New Friends And Trouble

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Stefan showed me to the History class and turns out, he had that class too. I was happy he had the same classes with me but at the same time, he was just go cute it made me nervous.

The teacher, Mr. Matheson, had us stand against the wall before he gave us our seats. Once everyone was in, he started.

"Alazia." He said and pointed to a seat that was second row and the second seat in. Oh, he even said my name right!

I went and sat down and turns out, Stefan was next to me again. He smiled at me and I went to say something to him but the guy behind him tapped his back and started talking. I sunk back down in my seat and messed with my notebook again.

We had to do another get to know each other thing. I really didn't want to do this. I really didn't care about anyone else at this point. I just wanted to go home.

'You're from Iceland!?" The girl sitting next to me said. I found out her name was Lilla Fitzpatrick. She was from Ireland but then moved to France for two years when she was 8 then when she turned 10 moved here.

I looked at her. Her hair was bleached like mine, but she has some blue on the tips and some streaks in her hair. She had a small stud in her nose and one on her upper lip. Plus she was extremely bubbly. This chick has got to be a cheerleader. I just nodded.

"That's so cool!"

I nodded again. "I guess."

"Where do you go after this?" She asked.

I looked at my schedule. "Math." I told her.

She straightened up. "So do I. I'll take you! Then we can go to lunch together. You're new so, you won't really know where to go or anything."

I was kinda hoping Stefan would take me, but at the same time I was afraid to go with him because I didn't know what his friends would think. Or worst, his brother. But I told her okay anyway.

"You go to math next, right?" Stefan leaned over and asked me.

"Mhm." I nodded.

"I don't, but I can take you."

"Actually-" I started but Lilla cut me off.

"I'm taking her! We have it together. Then I'm showing her to lunch." Lilla said in an all too perky tone.

Stefan looked at her and shook his head but smirked. "You're one weird girl, Lilla." He looked at me. "She'll take good care of you though. She's very thoughtful." He turned around and talked with the guy behind him again. I found out his name was Jacob.

The bell rang and Lilla took me to math. We did the same exact freaking thing in there too! I hated talking and when people found out I was from Iceland they wanted to know if it was really ice, is it cold there, what do we eat and some wanted to know if I could teach them Icelandic curse words. Really people?

Lilla took me to lunch and turns out, she was a cheerleader. They tried to get me to join because I would make a good flyer due to my smallness but I told them no. I wasn't into that stuff. I tried to stay quiet and only talked when they asked me questions.

"You have gym next. I'll show you where to go. I don't have it." Lilla told me.

I didn't know I had to do gym class. I didn't bring anything.

I gave her a blank look. "I, uhm... I didn't bring anything for gym."

"It's okay. I can give you mine."

"Lilla, I don't think they are gonna fit me." She was an easy 5'5" and I'm 4'9".

She nodded. "They will."

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