Chapter 23

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"Hey Roxey-bear!"

Jake came running to his sister who sat on a rock and petted her ikran.

"I saw saw going to Mo'at earlier ago. Both you and Tsu'tey had a not very happy look on your faces. Are you not feeling well."

"Well first I wasn't. But now I'm beaming with happiness and can't wait to share the big news with the clan."

"Big news? With the clan? Come on Roxey, tell me."

"Make a guess UNCLE Jake."

Roxy walked over to Tsu'tey who had motioned to her to come over.

"Hey, my love. How's our baby?"

"It's doing quite well."

"And how are you feeling?" Tsu'tey asked concerned.

"To be honest, I must say I feel a bit weak."

"Hey you two", Neytiri yelled.

"Mo'at called for a clan meeting."

Tsu'tey and Roxy glanced at each other and smiled.

"Well we shouldn't let them wait then. Let's go!"

The little group walked to the tree of souls where the clan sat and talked. Neytiri and Jake sat down on a big root near the top where Tsu'tey and Roxy sat down. Mo'at motioned for the clan to be quiet. Tsu'tey grabbed Roxy's hands while Mo'at began to speak.

"And we we will pray for our Olo'eyctan, his wife and their unborn child, for their happiness and health. May they have a bright life and be blessed with many children to follow them in their footsteps."

Tsu'tey reached for his braid. Roxy did the same and they bonded their queues. The clan spoke prayers as the tree's tendril leaves glowed. The glowing stopped and the clan cheered. The couple stood and Tsu'tey pulled Roxy in a deep kiss.

As the clan meeting was over, Kiia, Norali and Jai'to came over to the couple and embraced them both with a group hug.

"So you're having a baby huh?" Jake asked.

Roxy nodded and she and Tsu'tey broke their queues. Jake embraced her in a bear hug.

"I don't believe that I will be an uncle."

"Well you should believe it buddy! Because that will happen!"

Jake  stretched both arms to the side. Neytiri came over and hugged me and Jake, the last named pulled Tsu'tey over who wasn't very fond of a group hug but still joined in.

"A big happy family", Jake exclaimed.

"Guys", Roxy murmured, "I think I'm getting sick."

Tsu'tey's head shot up.


Roxy swayed a bit before she lost balance and had to be caught by the others.

"Mo'at!", Tsu'tey yelled panicked.

"What's wrong with her?"

Mo'at looked for symptoms but didn't find any.

"She's a bit weak. She needs sleep but mainly food and water. I think we should let her sleep in my hut. Tsu'tey you'll keep an eye on her when I'm busy. The others will take over when you can't watch her."

Tsu'tey nodded. He scooped her up gently and followed Mo'at. The others were close behind them. They settled down in Mo'at's hut and listened to the instructions they were given. After she left the hut, the group talked a bit but noticed later that Tsu'tey fell asleep with Roxy at his side. They hugged each other in their sleep.

"Aaaw, look how cute they are", Kiia whispered.

"Yeah I never saw Tsu'tey this relaxed", it came from Neytiri.

"Well I think we should let them sleep. They will need it. But maybe one of us should stay here to watch them since Tsu'tey is asleep now."

"We can do that. You and Neytiri can go and have some time for yourself. If something happens, we will call for you, okay?"

"Let's go Jake. They are both in good hands."

"I think you're right. But if they wake up, please get Roxy to eat. She needs that too."

"Don't worry, we can handle that."

"See you later then."

They bid each other goodbye as Jake and Neytiri went outside to have some time for themselves and left Roxy in the other's care.

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