Chapter 22

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(A/N: It will get a little 'warmer' in here.)

Tsu'tey took his mate to nearby lake. Their queues were still bonded. He set her down and took her necklace and loincloth off. Then he took off his clothes and walked them into the water. There he pushed her down so that she sat in the water. He sat down behind her and started to wash her hair clean from the blood. Then he let his hands roam over her neck. When his fingers came in touch with the wound, that wasn't bleeding anymore, Roxy hissed in pain. Tsu'tey leaned down and kissed the hurting spot. After a few seconds the pain subsided. The Na'vi male brought his hands over her shoulders down to her breasts. Roxy's head fell back and came to lay down on Tsu'tey's shoulder. As he massaged her breasts she let out a moan.

"I won't let something like this happen to you again. I promise!" Tsu'tey said in broken English.

Roxy's POV

"I won't let something like this happen to you again. I promise."

Tsu'tey gently kissed the wound on my neck again. My back was pressed to his chest, his hands still laying on my breasts. As his hands were caressing my breasts, I couldn't stop the moan coming from my throat.

"You don't have to hold back, my love", he whispered into my ear.

A hand slid down my stomach between my legs. And this time I didn't hold back.
But a rustling was heard.

'Who's the party pooper this time?' I thought.

Tsu'tey chuckled.

'It's just the wind.'

'A cold one.'

"We should get back. You're freezing."

He helped me out of the river and disconnected our queues. We got dressed and walked hand in hand back. On our way I stumbled and immediately felt uneasy.

"Hey, is everything ok?"

I nodded. But a few minutes later I stumbled again and was about to vomit. I really felt bad.

"No you're not ok. I'm going to take you to Mo'at."

He scooped me up and I snuggled into his warm chest. We reached Mo'at's hut. He set me down and opened the curtain. I walked in wobbly and sat down with a bit of trouble. Mo'at noticed us and came over.

"What is it?"

"Something's wrong, she's not looking very healthy."


Her hands touched my forehead and cheeks.

"Well it's not a fever."

"What is it then?"

She let her hands hover over my body with closed eyes. When she reached my stomach she smiled and took Tsu'tey's hand.

"Feel it", she whispered.

Tsu'tey let his hand be placed on my stomach by Mo'at and his expression turned into a surprised one.

"Is that true?"

Mo'at confirmed it with a nod. Tsu'tey grinned happily. I still had a questioning look in my face. Tsu'tey bent down and hugged me lovingly.

"Oh my dear wife. We're going to have a baby."

My eyes widened and teared up. One of my hands shot up to my mouth as I cried from happiness.

"We're going to have a baby. An heir. I hope it will be a boy."

"It doesn't matter to me. The only thing that matters to me is, that he or she will be like you. So beautiful and proud and strong."

I smiled happily at his words. He leaned down and kissed me gently while letting a hand rest on my stomach and the other was steadying me with sitting. Mo'at cleared her throat and we parted. She was smiling.

"Congratulations you two. You will be great parents to your child. Now Jessa, do you understand what Eywa meant with the blessing?"

"Yes I finally do know now. Wow I still can't believe it."

"Me neither. We'll have to tell the clan. And we need to talk about a protection for you since we still have to deal with Ahtsan and Leadrieth."

Tsu'tey's POV

'Oh my gosh! I can't believe that we're going to have a baby. Me and my love, a baby. I am so happy right know. But we still have to deal with Ahtsan and Leadrieth. But now that she's going to have my heir, I want to spend every second with her, embracing her with my love and care.'


Congrats you twoooo. She's pregnant.

Finally. They will have a very happy time.

Oh wait.

I've got to think about names.


I will do my best.

*thumbs up*

Loving A Dreamwalkerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن