I'll watch her die.

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Cover made by the awesome ViolentPurple. Thanks again for making these I love them all!😍

This chapter was honestly so hard for me to write... I haven't been in this much pain and honestly I hope no one has ever experienced something like this (although I'm scared people in this world have)

Maybe I should put a warning for violence here? Yes? No?

Well here we go.

Small (tiny) warning: Katharina is going to be in a lot of pain, I don't know if it's that much of a scary. I personally think it isn't but yeah I don't know😂😂

And as always.. sorry for any (grammar) mistakes.

I hope you enjoy this chapter!

Word count: 2262.


Pain .

You have physical pain and emotional pain. Honestly I used to say that emotional pain is worse. When you're emotionally in pain nobody has to know. You can fake a smile and laugh all you want and nobody will know in how much pain you are. Even if you show in how much pain you are, nobody will know how much it actually is. Only you will know.

Everyone uses the word pain in many ways. Pain from losing someone you love, pain from breaking your leg or the pain you feel deep inside from being lied to. It's such a short word with so much meaning.

There's also this sort of pain I imagined when I was a child. I had nightmares about that kind of pain. It's the kind of pain that will get you screaming for whatever or whoever is inflicting the pain to stop. I used to tell myself that there would come a moment like that, a moment I'd rather die than have more pain.

That's exactly the amount of pain I experienced today.

Earlier that day.

"She's finally waking up." A soft voice said from my right. I recognized the voice as Nathan, Blake's biological father. I slowly opened my eyes, only to be greeted with Nathan's blue eyes. His eyes were almost identical to Blake's, the only thing different being how much pain they hold.


It's such a strange word now I actually think about it. What is pain exactly? I used to hope I would never have any pain but that's impossible.

When I was younger this girl and I used to climb in trees and jump out of them, and no that girl wasn't Emily. She was human and I remember this tree that was pretty high and I jumped out of the tree first. The human girl tried it as well and she ended up breaking her ankle. Me -not knowing humans don't heal as fast- helped her up and we started walking back. She was crying the whole way, screaming almost. At home I saw her ankle was twisted in a weird way. Her mother was a docter and she took care of it. The girl had screamed so hard I actually thought she was dying.

Later my mom told me that humans don't heal that fast and then I finally understood why she was making such a big deal out of it.

The sound of fingers snapping in front of my face took me out of my small flashback. "I was talking to you!" Scott's harsh voice said. I used to think he has such a nice and soothing voice.

"Well I wasn't listening." Smirking I looked up, my light blue eyes looking into his dark and evil dark blue eyes. For a minute I thought he was going to shift or let his wolf take over but as soon as I started looking around the room his eyes went back to normal and his annoying smirk came back.

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