Episode 7: Rebirth of XANA

Start from the beginning

- Oliver:( *sign the autograph on the speeding ticket the officer about to give*) here you go, have a good day officer

- Officer: you too Oliver, next time, try to slow down

- Oliver: i'm sure i will (*wink*)

- Maya:(sarcasticly) sure you are

They reach the school, Odd have hire 4 security guard and a parking space for Oliver, the security are waiting for him in front of the school's ground, he park his car, they open the door for him then just stand there and guard the car. Oliver go to the locker area while Maya searching for Edward at campus, she found him sitting on a bench with a laptop, she come closer and see him writing some kind of code so she ask

- Maya: Ed, what are you doing?

- Edward: (*surprise*), oh Maya, didn't see you there. I'm making a defense protocol for Sector 5 since it is now vulnerable to any attack

- Maya: oh, how long have you been working on this

- Edward: 5 days straight already, today i add in 1 final touch to complete it (*hit enter*)

Edward about to send the program to the supercomputer via Split sender( a method of transferring data by split into multiple file and send it) but then he receive an email, he open it up, a tiny spark on the laptop zap him making him almost drop the laptop on the floor, then it automatically turn off. Edward is about to restart the laptop but his friends show up

- Emma: hello you two, Ed, you never get your eye out of the screen aren't you?

- Edward:( *stand up*) well, i suppose to... (*dizzy*)

- Emma: Edward? Are you ok?

Edward body temperature raise to 37 degree, his noise is slowly bleeding

- Maya: oh my god, your noise is bleeding

Edward hearing echoes "Ed... Ed... Ed... " then pass out, he fall to the ground, Oliver quickly tell the nurse but she couldn't do anything so she have to call ambulance, they take him to the hospital, the doctors call Jeremy to inform him that Edward is in the emergency room, hearing a shocking news, Jeremy quickly rushes to the hospital while the supercomputer warning constantly. Aelita have to call the team to the Lab, she use the spectre program to create clones of the team, the spectres spawn near the school and run to the team and deliver the message from Aelita. They sneak out of the school and go to the lab.

- Aelita: alright team, we are having an attack on Sector 5, hurry. / Scanning, virtualization

They spawn at Sector 5, they see a wreckage leaving behind, the securities gate are destroyed, multiple shields are broken.

- Eric: this place look like a tornado went through

- Aelita: the sensor detected Nero and Clara presence at level 3, you have to stop them from reaching the elevator at level 5.

- Emma: alright then, move!!!

They run and run until they see them.

- Nero: take care of these nuisances, i'll go for the Core

- Clara: my pleasure

- Maya: hey stop!

(*slash*), (Maya pushed back), - Clara: you not going anywhere

Meanwhile at the hospital, Doctors are using emergency treatment to Edward, they give him icepack to cool down and give him injection. The fever is stopped for a moment but the bleeding continue, they put him to a room with a nurse to take care of him. Jeremy made it to the hospital, he asked the doctor where is his son, he reply to room 205-B, Jeremy go and see Edward.

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