I tried screaming again, but neither the demon nor the human looked at me. The next thing I saw was Abaddon disappearing and Dustin slowly rising, his eyes opened as he sat up. They were glowing red, and my heart instantly dropped. Abaddon was possessing Dustin. I tried yelling again, but nothing was working. 

I followed Dustin as he walked out of his apartment and to his car, poking and even slapping him, trying to get his attention but nothing was working. I was invisible. My heart beat was picking up pace as I watched him get into his car. What was Abaddon going to do to him? I quickly passed through the passenger door of the car and sat in the seat, staring intently at Dustin. 

He was driving now, his eyes weren’t glowing red anymore but I knew that Abaddon was still the one in control by the unhuman smile plastered to Dustin’s lips. I tried screaming again, hoping that maybe I could find a way to get his attention, I even tried turning the radio up to full blast, but no sound came out of there either. 

He stopped the car and parked. I looked out the window and my heart sank even further. The smile on Dustin’s face became even more terrifying as he climbed out of the car and headed up the steps to Zak’s front door. 

This is all just a nightmare! Wake up! Wake up and it will all be over! I was screaming at myself, my eyes still staring at Dustin as he bent over and began to pick the lock. Right when he put his hand on the door knob and turned it, everything went black. 

~End Dream~

I sat up right, breath coming in heaves as I tried to collect myself. My eyes instantly flew over to Zak to make sure he was okay. I let go of the breath I didn’t realize I was holding when I saw his sleeping figure taking deep breaths. I matched my breathing with his and it helped me calm down a little. I laid back down and closed my eyes. “It was all just a nightmare.” I whispered to myself, trying to fall back asleep. 

“Was it?” A chilling voice said from within Zak’s room. I shot up right and looked around the room. I looked over at Zak’s side of the bed and glowing red eyes caught my attention. Dustin was standing there with a knife in his hand, a twisted smile across his face. 

He got closer and closer to Zak and before I even realized what I was doing I launched myself at him, sending him, me, and the knife sprawling to the ground with a loud thump! 

“Amaryllis?” Zak’s groggy voice called. I looked over at Dustin who was lying inches away from me, the same smile still plastered to his face. I kicked the knife under the bed and stood up. “Amaryllis! What the hell!” Zak was now standing behind me, wrapping an arm around my waist and pulling me too him. 

“Zak, stand back, please. I don’t want him hurting you.” My voice was commanding, but of course the stubborn man didn’t let go. 

“No.” His voice was as hard as mine.

“How sweet, now if you don’t mind, Zak. I’ll be taking Amaryllis here.” It wasn’t Dustin’s voice that came from his mouth, it was Abaddons and it sent chills down my spine, causing my hair to stand up. 

“Over my dead body.” Zak said, pushing me fully behind him. 

“That can be arranged.” Abaddon snarled. I saw him take a step closer and I pushed past Zak to stand in-between them. 

“No, Abaddon. You want me, you can have me, but just don’t hurt Zak.” My voice was still hard and I was trying my hardest to not let the fear seep into it. Abaddon stopped moving, he was staring at me now. 

“Amaryllis no.” 

Before Zak could grab me again, Abaddon grabbed my wrist and pulled me out of the bedroom door. I tried my hardest to get out of his grip, but it was like he was as strong as ten men. “Amaryllis!” Zak called, chasing after us. 

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