Chapter 11- Part 2

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“If you’re here, you can speak through this device that I’m holding in my hands.” Zak stated. In the corner of the room I saw Darren appear, I could see him because in darkness, ghosts appear as light to me. He looked at me and rolled his eyes. I had to stifle a laugh. Darren walked over to Zak and spoke into the Spirit Box. 

“Hi Amaryllis.” He said; it simultaneously came through the device. Zak jumped at the sudden voice and covered the box with his hand. 

“Woah! Did you hear that? It sounded like it said your name!” Zak got excited. 

“Yes I did hear it, you know I am only standing in the same room as you.” I teased. “That was Darren.” I smiled at Darren, who was still standing in front of Zak. 

“I know; I just get excited.” He said shyly. I smiled at his sudden shyness. “Darren, will you make a noise for us?” Zak took his hand off of the spirit box and waited. Darren looked at me with an ‘are you serious’ look. I just smiled and shrugged my shoulders. Darren walked back to the corner of the room and found a small rock. He picked it up and tossed to the other wall on the other side of the room. Zak jumped and turned around; I turned the camera and pointed it in the direction he threw it. A big smile spread across Zak’s face. I felt my heart melt as the smile grew on his face. He was actually happy that he was gathering evidence. 

“Was that you Darren?” Zak asked. Darren walked back over and spoke. 

“Yes it was.” He said. Darren was one of the most intelligent spirits I have encountered. He could speak in full sentences through devices and he had a lot of energy. Unlike most of the spirits in this hospital who were residual, still stuck in the time they died in. 

“What did you do?” Zak questioned. 

“I threw a small rock at the wall.” Darren’s voice came through the box the same time I heard him speak it. 

“Well thank you for cooperating with me; you’re a very intelligent spirit.” Zak was being polite. 

“You’re welcome, Zak. You take care of my Amaryllis. This place can get crazy.” Darren warned him, while shooting a warning look at me. 

“I’ll be fine Darren. I can take care of myself.” I defended myself. Darren raised an eyebrow and walked over to me. 

“Well last time you were here, you were partially possessed. I just want you to be careful.” He said worriedly. 

“How do you know about that?” I was wide eyed. 

“I’m always watching Amaryllis.” He said and then vanished. I let out a frustrated sigh. 

“You okay?” Zak asked. 

“Just dandy.” I joked. “But I want to go to the third floor by myself. I want to face this demon alone.” I stated. 

“I don’t know, that could be pretty risky. I don’t want you to get possessed again.” He sounded worried. 

“I’m a big girl, Zak. I can handle myself. I just want to face the thing that possessed me last time. I want to know why it did it.” I stood my ground; I wasn’t going to back down from this. It was important to me. I needed to know why. 

He let out a sigh. “Fine. But me and the rest of the crew; besides Nick and Aaron, are going to watch you from Nerve Center. If you need anything just yell and I’ll come. Okay?” He was being stern. 

“Yes, I promise.” I smiled gratefully, even though he couldn’t see it. 

“Don’t make me regret this decision.” He said. 

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