Chapter 24

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*Amaryllis’s P.O.V*

The rest of lunch went pretty good. Conversation came east between the five of us, like we were old friends and not people that had known each for practically a week. I feel like I’ve known them for the majority of my life. I feel like I could trust Aaron and Nick with anything, and that they would always have my back. 

But when it came to Zak, my feelings were still unclear. I knew I liked him, but I don’t think I would call it love… not yet at least. I mean, he made my heart skip a beat every time those deep blue eyes looked at me. He made me forget how to speak when I was near him. No guy has ever had that effect on me; I’ve never had feelings like this when it came to some guy. My relationships lasted for no more than a month, because then the guy I was with decided that I was freak and that he didn’t want to be seen in public with someone as crazy as me. 

I internally groaned at my mixed emotions. All of us had just left the restaurant at the hotel and decided that we would just walk down the Strip today, do some sightseeing I guess you could call it. I looked over at Izzy and Aaron, Izzy was giggling at something Aaron had said, and Aaron was looking at her with such fondness that it nearly broke my heart. I don’t know if they’re officially a couple yet, or if they’ve even talked about it, but they need to be or I’ll force it on them. 

Zak was on my right and Nick was on my left, they were talking over my head about where they wanted to do their next lockdown. “Do you think they would let us investigate in Romania? I’ve always wanted to go to Vlad Tepes castle.” Zak said. My interest piqued, going to investigate Vlad’s castle would be amazing. I’ve always wanted to go investigate somewhere like that, some place with actual gruesome history, and Vlad the Impaler’s castle would be the perfect opportunity. 

“That would be amazing.” I spoke up so they would actually hear me. Zak looked down at me and smiled. 

“I thought you would like something like that. Maybe if we talk to the board, they will let you and Izzy come with us, since the last time you were on the show, ratings did go up a bit.” Zak’s ocean blue eyes stared at me, I felt like he could see into my soul. 

My heart fluttered, did he really mean it? Would he actually see if Izzy and I could come with them? I literally squealed as I threw myself at him, wrapping my arms around his neck. He laughed and wrapped his arms around my waist, practically picking me up off the ground. I kissed his cheek as he set me back down on the ground, causing a light pink to spread across his face. Nick and Aaron just laughed at him, and Zak responded by shooting both of them a glare, which only caused them to laugh harder. “You would really ask if we could go with you?” I said, still surprised. 

He nodded his head. My smile grew wider; making it feel like my face was going to split if I tried to smile anymore. Zak laughed at my excitement, but I could tell that he was just as excited as I was. There was a hint in his eyes that gave it away. 

Once I finally calmed down, I started to look at all the small shops we passed. I wanted to go in and get some souvenirs. I grabbed Zak’s hand and pulled him into the next shop we found, Izzy grabbed Aaron’s hand and pulled him in behind Zak and I. Nick just casually followed us in. I looked around the small shop; there were a bunch of sweatshirts with Las Vegas on them in a variety of different colors. There were t-shirts, and hats, but I wanted something different, something special. 

I found a cute collar for Demon, it was black and had spikes on it, and it said Las Vegas on it too. “What are you getting that for?” Zak asked, coming up behind me and scaring me. 

I jumped and turned around to glare at him. He was just smiling at me like he did nothing wrong. I rolled my eyes. “It’s for my dog… why else would I be buying a dog collar?” I said, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. 

“I didn’t know you had a dog… what’s its name?” He asked. 

“His name is Demon, and he’s the cutest thing you will ever see.” I smiled. 

“Even cuter than me?” Zak said, a devilish smirk spreading across his lips. I wasn’t expecting that answer. Zak was moving closer to me now, my breath hitched and my heartbeat sped up. 

He was standing inches away from me now. I tried to act like him being this close wasn’t affecting me in the way that it actually was. “Yeah, Demon’s cuter than you.” I replied, before slipping away from him. I looked back to see him standing there with his mouth hanging open, was he not expecting that answer? 

I laughed at his shocked expression. He snapped his mouth closed and his eyes sparkled. “You’re gonna get it now. I know where you’re ticklish.” He smiled an evil smile and then he was running at me. 

I screamed and threw the collar down on the stand next to me; running past Aaron and Izzy trying to reach the door before he caught up with me. “Nick!” I heard his voice ring from behind me. “Grab Amaryllis!”

Before I could process what was going on, someone was grabbing my waist and pulling me back. My back hit a firm chest and I looked up to see Nick smiling down at me. “Nick! You son of a bitch! Lemme go!” I squealed as I saw Zak nearing, he stopped running and was just fast walking now. Nick just smiled and shook his head. 

When Zak was standing in front of us, Nick let me go and Zak grabbed my hips. I gasped as he squeezed, and then burst into laughter. He kept squeezing my hips, which only made me laugh harder. “Zak! Stop! I’m sorry!” I managed to get out in between my laughs; tears were now starting to form at the corners of my eyes I was laughing so hard. Izzy, Aaron, and Nick were all just standing there watching Zak torture me with smiles on their faces. 

“Guys! Help!” I gasped. 

“Nah, I think you deserve it.” Izzy replied. 

Zak finally stopped squeezing my hips and let me catch my breath. He had a stupid smile plastered on his lips that made him look so adorable that I couldn’t find it in me to be mad at him. 

 *Zak’s P.O.V*

I stopped squeezing Amaryllis’s hips and let her catch her breath. She looked up at me, the expression on her face looked like she was trying to be mad, but she just ended up smiling and shaking her head. She looked so cute with her cheeks tinted red from laughing so hard. 

I looked over at Nick, he was smiling at me. “Thanks for the help bro.” 

“No problem G.” He replied and we fist-bumped. 

Amaryllis rolled her eyes. “You guys are jerks.” She said as she turned and walked out the door. I followed after her, and everyone else followed after me. I knew Amaryllis wasn’t mad because the smile stuck to her lips gave it away. 

You still have to ask her out on a date. I know, brain. I’ve been wanting to ask her out ever since lunch, but I haven’t found the right time to actually do it. I caught up with her and grabbed her hand. She looked up at me and smiled, her amethyst eyes made my heart skip a beat. I smiled back at her. I looked behind us; Izzy, Aaron, and Nick were all talking about I have no idea what, but they were distracted. I decided now would be the best time to ask her out to dinner without everyone hovering over us. 

“Amaryllis?” I said, my voice sounded more nervous than I had hoped it would. 

“Yes, Zak?” She replied, her voice sounded light. 

“Um, I was just wondering… if you would like to maybe, uh, go to dinner with me tonight?” I stuttered my way through the sentence, making myself sound like a total fool. 

She looked up at me, her eyes shining, making them even brighter than before. “Yes, Zak. I would love to go to dinner with you.” She smiled a gorgeous smile and then squeezed my hand for reassurance. 

I let out a breath I didn’t even know I was holding. Why did I think she would say no? I had no reason to think she would say no. She obviously liked me, seeing as she practically threw herself at me in the car this morning. I had no reason to worry, I should just be happy that she said yes. And I was happy, I was ecstatic actually.  


Another chapter! Yay! Hope you guys enjoy this one! Let me know what you think?(: I love you all and thank you so much for reading!!!!(:

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