Chapter 11- Part 1

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After dinner was over, we all said our goodbyes and gave each other hugs. Zak hugged me longer than anyone else did, and I didn’t mind it all. I walked to my car with a smile on my face. Izzy seemed pretty happy with the way dinner went as well. 

“You seem happy.” I commented. 

“Aaron asked for my number!” She squealed. 

“That’s awesome! You guys would make a cute couple.” I smiled at her. She smiled back; she did seem excited that Aaron asked for her number. I knew he would, I mean Izzy is a wonderful person. We climbed in my car and headed back home. When we finally arrived it was almost 9:30, and I was exhausted. I knew tomorrow was going to be a long night, so I needed to get as much sleep as possible. 

Once we entered the house I headed for bed, eager for tomorrow night to come. I told Izzy good night and Demon and I headed for my room. I changed out of my clothes and into something more suitable for bed. I climbed into my warm and comfortable bed as Demon jumped up with me. He curled up on the pillow beside me, quickly falling asleep. Sleep tugged at my eyelids, and eventually I fell into a peaceful dreamless sleep.


I woke up the next morning and the sun was shining high in the sky. It must have been close to noon. I rolled over and checked my phone. It was 1:30?! I slept for over 12 hours! Oh my god, I’ve never slept that much before. I yawned and stretched my arms and legs when I noticed I had a text from Zak. 

Zak: Good morning beautiful (: Let me know when you’re awake. 

I blushed at his comment. Did he really think I was beautiful? I couldn’t help but hope that he meant what he said.

Me: Good morning (: Beautiful? What’s that about?  

I sent the text and got up to go get in the shower. I didn’t bother checking on Izzy before; I needed to get ready to start the day. I didn’t know when Zak wanted me to come out for the lockdown. I turned on the shower and let it heat up before I stepped in. The warm water cascading down my back sent shivers down my spine. It did help me wake up a little bit though. I lathered my body and hair up and rinsed everything off. I stepped out and wrapped a towel around me and headed for my bedroom to find something to wear. 

I scanned my closet, which was pretty much all black, except for the few dark red things I had. I decided on my Slenderman t-shirt and black jeans, with my combat boots. They were my favorite shoes. I looked myself over in the mirror and was satisfied with how I looked. I headed back to the bathroom to blow dry my hair and put a little bit of makeup on. I hated doing makeup, that’s why I only wore mascara, eyeliner, and some lip gloss. But today I decided on wearing my bright red lipstick. I don’t know why, I guess I just wanted some change. I headed out of the bathroom and back into my room to grab my phone. I had another text from Zak. 

Zak: Is there a problem if I think you’re beautiful? ;P Anyways, meet us here at the hospital at around 4:30? 

Me: I guess not (: Okay, 4:30 it is! See ya then. 

I couldn’t help but blush again, did he really think that? I don’t want to get my hopes up. I sighed at the inner battle I was having and headed out to the living room. Izzy was on the couch eating Doritos and watching some soap opera. 

“Morning sleeping beauty-woah… what’s with your mouth?” She questioned my lipstick. 

“I don’t know, I just wanted a change.” I shrugged my shoulders. “Is it too much?” I was suddenly self-conscious. 

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