Chapter 25

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*Amaryllis’s P.O.V*

Zak said he would be here at about 7, and it was 6 right now. I was sitting in front of the vanity mirror as Izzy curled my hair. When I told her that Zak asked me out for a date tonight she said that she had to make me look gorgeous, “Not that you aren’t already.” 

So she’s devoted this hour of her life to make me look ‘stunning’ was the exact word that she used. Zak said that he wanted me to dress nice for dinner tonight; apparently he was going to take me to a fancy restaurant. I don’t really like wearing dresses, but tonight I will just to make him happy.

Once Izzy finished curling my hair, she decided to braid it, and then do a half up half down kind of thing with it. “Aaaaand done! Now go put your dress on so I can do your makeup.” She commanded me, pointing her finger towards the purple dress handing from the bathroom door. 

I groaned as I got out of the chair and headed to the bathroom. I quickly put the dress on and walked back out to Izzy. “Zip me up?” I asked, turning around. She quickly came over and pulled the zipper up. I turned back around to face her and she had a smile on her face. 

“That dress makes your eyes look amazing.” She commented. I shook my head but I couldn’t stop the smile that spread across my lips. “Now sit your ass back down in the chair so I can finish your makeup.” She said, her bossy tone was back. 

She always got so serious when it came to doing makeup, but doing makeup is one of her favorite things to do. I obliged and sat back down in front of the vanity mirror, taking a quick look at myself before she moved in front of me, blocking the view.

The eye shadow brush was soft as she swiped it across my eyelids. “Open.” She said and then attacked my eyes with mascara. “You’re done!” She put the mascara down and then moved out of the way so I could see the mirror. 

She moved behind me as I leaned forward to get a better look. I was taken aback at what I saw. The person in the mirror couldn’t be me… I mean she was actually decent looking. “Wow.” I breathed, not knowing what to say. “You did an amazing job, Izzy. Thank you so much!” 

“Zak is totally gonna have a bitch fit when he sees you.” She squealed and then clapped her hands together. I rolled my eyes and chuckled. I loved how excited she got for me. I grabbed my phone and checked the time. It was 7, so Zak should be here any minute. I got up from the chair and went to my suitcase to look for my black heels. 

*Zak’s P.O.V*

I knocked on Amaryllis’s door, my heart beat sped up as the realization of what I was doing sank in. Why are you so nervous? It’s not like you haven’t taken a girl out to dinner before. Yeah that’s true… but this just wasn’t some girl… this was Amaryllis. The girl who has pretty much changed my view on women since the day I first met her. 

She has practically ruined other women for me. Whenever I look at some other girl’s eyes as I pass her by on the street, I’m actually disappointed when they are blue or brown and not the astonishing purple that I’ve grown to love so much. I sighed and tried to shake the thoughts clear from my head. Tonight was going to be an amazing night, and I didn’t want anything to ruin that. 

The door opened to reveal a smiling Izzy. She looked me up and down, probably criticizing what I was wearing. I was expecting some snide comment about how I wasn’t dressed ‘nice enough’ or something along those lines. “You look nice Zak.” She said which actually surprised me. 

“Uh, thanks.” I said, smiling at her.  “Where’s Amaryllis?” I asked, trying to look over her shoulder. 

“She’s slipping her shoes on she should be coming-” She was cut off by Amaryllis. 

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