Chapter 5

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*Zak’s P.O.V*


          I headed out to our van with Nick and Aaron trailing behind. That girl, I didn’t even ask for her name! Wow, I’m a dumbass. I stopped walking and facepalmed myself. “What’s wrong, G?” Nick asked.

          “I just realized that I didn’t ask for that girls name.” I sighed.

          “You know it’s probably in your phone... She probably put it in when she gave you her number. Ya know, that’s the sensible thing to do.” Aaron said it like I was retarded.

          “Oh duh!” I mentally facepalmed myself this time. I whipped out my phone and went to my contacts. The first name was a name I hadn’t seen before, it must be her. “Her name is Amaryllis.” I said mostly to myself.

          “That’s a unique name.” Aaron said.

          “Yeah, did anything seem weird about her to you guys?” I asked them.

          “A little... I mean not in a bad way, just as in there was something she wasn’t telling us. Other then that, she seemed like a pretty nice girl.” Nick said.

          “Yeah man, and did you notice her eyes? They were freaking purple!” Aaron exclaimed.

          “I think they were natural too.” I said. “I don’t know, guys. There’s something off about her, and I don’t know if it’s good or bad.” I concluded. We got in the van, Aaron was driving and I was in the passenger seat. We headed back to our hotel to do a little bit more research and to come  up with questions for the interviews tomorrow. I hope I can figure more out about Amaryllis.

*Amaryllis’s P.O.V*

Izzy had finally comeback to reality, and I told her what happened with GAC (Ghost Adventures Crew). She got so excited, she literally squealed like a 3 year old. I just stared at her like she had gone mentally insane. We got back to researching about the children’s hospital. I scanned across the pages until a small heading of a section caught my eye. It said: DISEASE KILLS CHILDREN. I started reading and I finally found what we had been looking for. “Izzy! I think I found it.” I exclaimed.

          “Really?! Lemme see!” She rushed over to my side. We scanned the pages together. It told us that it was named Maryanne’s Hospital for Diseased Children. They hospitalized as many children as they could, it was a horrible hospital. They were under staffed and there wasn’t enough beds for all of the children. Many deaths occurred because of the unsanitary state. The children weren’t abused, or anything like that. They were just in a very dirty and unsanitary environment. It talked about all the diseases and deaths, and it was just very depressing to read.

          After we read up about the hospital we decided to check out the local cemetery to see if Summer’s mom was buried there. We put all the books back where we got them and headed out the doors. I said a polite thank you and good bye to the lady at the front counter as we were leaving. Once we reached my Jeep I unlocked the doors and Izzy hopped in. I pretty much had to climb in because I was a few inches shorter then her, standing at a whooping 5‘2. I know I’m a midget.

          I started the Jeep and headed towards the nearest cemetery. I was hoping that they would have some information on where Summer’s mother might be, and if we could visit her grave, or get a death certificate, or some sort of proof that she was really deceased. Once we arrived, it was pretty much desolate. The only cars in the parking lot belonged to the people who worked there. I hopped out of the car and headed for the front doors, Izzy was trailing behind me, as always.

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