Chapter 7

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“Look, maybe next time I come… depending on what happens with these guys on their lockdown, okay?” I reasoned.

“Yeah. Okay.” She sighed. I smiled at her, thankful she didn’t push the subject anymore. Izzy and I chatted for a few more minutes when they came back outside. The woman was still talking.

“So now do you boys see why it’s hard for me to come here?” She asked them.

“Yes ma’am. I’m so sorry you had to deal with that. Thank you for opening up and talking about it with us… I know it can be hard to talk about that stuff.” Zak gave her a soft smile.

“You’re welcome; I hope that what I told you can help with your investigation.” She smiled back.

“I think it will.” Nick piped up.

“Good, I have to get going. Let me know if you need anything else. Bye boys!” She called as she headed off to her car.

“Bye!” They all said in union. I don’t know if they noticed that we were standing there. They started talking and reviewing footage on Aaron’s camera. I rolled my eyes and walked up quietly behind them.

“Boo.” I said as I got behind Zak. He literally jumped up and spun around. I startled the other two as well. I couldn’t help but burst out laughing at his reaction. I saw Darren in one of the windows, laughing as well. I shot him a devilish grin and he just rolled his eyes.

“Jesus! You scared me!” Zak said dramatically.

“I know genius that was kind of the point.” I smiled at him.

“I’ll get you back for that, just you wait.” Zak flashed a devilish grin.

“Oooh. He means it, Amaryllis. He isn’t joking.” Nick tried not to laugh as he spoke to me. I couldn’t help but laugh. I didn’t realize that Izzy had walked up behind me.

“Boo.” She whispered in my ear. I screamed and spun around, ready to slap whoever did that in the face. She started laughing just as much as I did when I scared Zak.

“God I hate you. But I never guys, this is my friend Isabelle.” I said while laughing.

“Alright, alright.” Aaron said as he finally stopped laughing.

“We should get to the interview.” Zak said.

“Okay.” I muttered, suddenly scared of having to go into the building.

Aaron and Nick started rolling on their cameras. I stood next to Zak, him towering over me with about 8 inches. I felt really small.

“Amaryllis, how are you connected with this place?” Zak asked in his TV voice.

“Well, it started about 3 years ago. My passion for the paranormal was growing stronger each week. That’s when I discovered this place, it was shut down, but someone still owned it. I contacted the owner and asked if I could investigate here one night. He kindly agreed, and ever since then I’ve been coming here weekly.” I smiled at the memory of my first investigation here.

“Except for last night! You had me worried sick!” Darren decided now would be a good time to show up. I jumped at his sudden appearance beside me.

“Are you alright? It just got really cold.” Zak said as he felt Darren’s presence.

“Yeah, I’m fine. It’s probably the wind.” I lied. I shot Darren a glare and he took the hint and left.

“Now it feels back to normal. I don’t think that the wind can make the temperature drop that much.” Zak stated, he gave me a questioning look. “Anyways, you come here all by yourself? Each week?”

Dark Love (Zak Bagans Fan Fic)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora