Chapter 4

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As I pushed the door open, there were 3 guys standing around the table where I had all the books. I stopped, they had a strange presence. The ghosts here were disturbed by them being here. I could feel it. The guy on the far left was bald, fairly skinny, and looked a little taller then 6‘. The guy in the middle had dark hair, he was muscular, and a little bit shorter then the bald guy. The one on the far right had short brown hair, he was skinny but muscular, he was about in the middle of the other two in height. 

Izzy and I didn’t say anything, we just stood there. I felt like I knew these guys from somewhere. The ghosts from out in the main room were drawn to the presence of these three. They came walking through the door (literally) and surrounded the three at table. I shivered as I felt some spirits pass through me, causing a drop in the temperature. “Woah, dude! It just got really cold in here, do you feel that? I have goosebumps.” The guy on the left said, as soon as the spirits settled around them. 

“Yeah, I feel it too!” The guy in the middle said. Izzy gave me a look, I’m assuming she was wondering if it was spirits. I laughed silently and nodded. She just rolled her eyes. 

“There’s at least 7 spirits in here.” I whispered to her. I honestly don’t know why I haven’t said anything to these men. 

“Did you hear that!?!? It sounded like someone whispering.” The one on the end got really excited, because I whispered. I looked over at Izzy as she looked at me, we were trying to contain our laughter... but failed miserably. We bursted out laughing, I started crying because I was laughing so hard. 

Once I finally stopped laughing, my vision was blurry from the tears. I could make out that the three guys were looking at us, probably like we were mentally insane. My vision had finally came back and I looked over at Izzy, she was stood still in her spot, like she was frozen. She was staring at the three guys.

“Izzy? You there? Did you break? Did you forget how to human, again?” I was snapping my fingers in front of her face, she wasn’t responding. 

“Did you try turning her off and on again?” One of the guys asked. 

“Haha, very funny.” I responded. “You’re the one w--” I stopped mid-sentence. I was facing them now and I realized why the spirits were so drawn to them and why I felt like they were familiar. It was the Ghost Adventures Crew. It was THE GAC. “I’m the one who what?” Zak asked, a small smirk on his face. I snapped out of it. 

“I was saying that you’re the one who broke my friend.” I finished. God, I probably made myself look like an idiot in front of my heros. 

“Well lets see if I can fix her.” Zak walked over to Izzy and tried doing the same thing I just did. 

“I just did that, she’s star struck, just giver her a few years to comprehend what is happening.” I gave a small awkward laugh. Zak looked at me and smiled. 

“So you do know who we are.” He laughed.

“Damn right I do, you’re The Ghost Adventures Crew.” I said proudly, because I’m weird. 

“So how long were you guys just standing there watching us?” A small smirk was appearing again. 

“Oh, well we had went to go get lunch and we heard you guys talking before we walked in. When I opened the door I felt a--.” I couldn’t tell them I see spirits, I don’t even know them. I walked back over to my table and sat back down. I started going over where I left off when I realized this wasn’t the book I was looking at earlier. 

“You felt a what?” Aaron finally said something.

“Did you guys mess with this book?” I changed the subject. 

“Yeah, we were trying to see if we could find any information on the location we’re investigating.” Zak said. 

“Well, I was getting close to finding information on my house.” I responded. 

“What’s wrong with your house?” Nick finally said something.

“Umm, I heard that it was a children’s hospital back in the mid-1800‘s and there has been some strange activity going on, so I was just seeing if I could find if any deaths occurred before.” I tried avoiding the part of who told me. 

“Sounds interesting.” Zak said. 

“Sure, I guess...” I suddenly felt uncomfortable with the amount of spirits in the room with us. I’ve never had so many spirits in one place before, it was very overwhelming. “So what location are you guys investigating? Is it here in Tacoma? I’ve probably investigated it before.” I said the last part to myself. 

“Oh, I don’t know if you would ever investigate this. It’s the Pugent Sound Mental Hospital.” Nick said. 

“Really? I’ve investigated there before, actually it’s been multiple times.” I remembered going there and all the spirits I saw and communicated with, I actually made some spirit friends, that’s how often I went there. “It’s quite active, so you guys should get some good evidence. Plus with a presence like yours, you guys will definitely get the attention of the spirits.” I smiled at them. 

“What do you mean a ‘presence like ours?’” Zak questioned me.

“I just mean that when I walked in, I could tell that you guys were here. I didn’t have to look up to know that there were other people in the room. You guys have a really strong presence. Plus all the spirits seemed to notice you.” I whispered the last part. 

“What was that last part?” Zak asked. 

“Nothing you need to worry about.” I smiled at him. 

“Okay then, well we have to go... So can I get your number? You know, so we can interview you for the show tomorrow?” He asked me. Wait... he just asked me for my number?!!??! I might die.

“Uh yeah, let me see your phone.” I asked. We traded phones and he put his number in mine and I put my number in his. We gave each other’s phones back and they left. Izzy was still stuck in her awe position. 

“IZZY!” I yelled and slapped her face.


Hey guys! 3 chapters in one day, be proud people. Anywhore, I think I'm going to do the next chapter in Zak's P.O.V. Tell me if you think different? I won't publish chapter 5 until tomorrow, I think I've done enough writing for today. Tell me what you think though? FEEDBACK HELPS. Love you all <3 Sorry it's so short!

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