Saihara x Fat!Reader

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50 chapters of one-shots. Wow!! Well not all of them are one-shots but still. Anyway this was requested by LustFellAngie
I'm sorry that I have to make Saihara and Y/N a jerk in this but it's for the story. Hope you enjoy!

He hoped you didn't remember. The bullying. The teasing. Because he did. He remembered when he used to torment you with his words. But he was young and naive then, and he wanted to apologize.

Luckily, your high school reunion was tonight.


"Hey Saihara! It's been a while!" Amami patted him on the back.

"Hey Amami. Looking well." Saihara nodded to him. Amami smiled and turned to his wife, Kaede.

"Saihara, I would like you to meet Monaca." He looked at his shy daughter, holding onto her mother's leg. She had light green hair and green eyes. Just like her father.

"My mother married a new man and now our last name is Towa." He looked down at his daughter, smiling sillily.

"Monaca Towa...what a nice name." Saihara looked sweetly at the little girl who was sucking her thumb.

How cute.

"Anyway see ya later man. We got other people to meet." Amami and Kaede waved and went to mingle, leaving Saihara alone.

"Hey Saihara." A finger poked at his shoulder. He turned around.

It was you.

He eyed your form. You still weren't the skinniest. You were still fat after all these years.

"Woah hey Y/N! How are you?" He nervously chuckled. You smiled sweetly at him. "I'm great. You?"

"Fine. Kinda sweaty but yeah."

Stop messing around Saihara and get to the point.

"I...I'm sorry."

You looked at him, confused. "Sorry for what?"

"For...bullying you about your weight back in high school." Your eyes went dark and then returned to normal.


"Yeah I really wanted to apologize. I felt bad about how I was mean to you." He coyly rubbed the back of his neck.

"Oh it's fine. It's in the past...right?"

"I'm glad you feel that way." He smiled. "So can I make it up to you with a dance?" The song changed into a slow song and you nodded. "Sure."

You both were beautiful out on the dance floor. You laughed when he accidentally tripped on air and he laughed when you would step on his toes.

You both had fun.

You both went to the refreshments table. You both grabbed a glass of wine and cheered for meeting up again.

He was looking at you. No matter what anybody said. You were beautiful. On the inside.

"Y/N...." He leaned in, wanting to kiss you. You leaned forward, almost bonking heads (lol). His lips almost touched yours when-

"Flabby b**tch." You breathed out. He immediately tensed up at the words.

"W-what?!" He stopped leaning towards you.

You smiled innocently. "Flabby b**tch. Isn't that what you used to call me?"

His jaw was wide open. "I-"

You leaned forward, grabbing his chin. "You also called me fatty, loser, glutton, and I could keep going. "Oh! And you also said to me: Your shirt size has more x's than Taylor swift."

Saihara cringed in guilt. He remember when he did that. I only did that to fit in with the rest. I was young and stupid.

"I' sorry."

You gritted your teeth. "I know you are. But I'm not accepting the apology. You made my life miserable. I never loved myself because of you. I wanted to get my revenge. But I'm realizing that I don't need to do that. Goodbye Saihara."

You walked away, leaving a speechless and crying Saihara.

(This was horrible to write. But it's over whew.)

Next is Ishimaru x Reader

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