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jakeybaby✨: hey

laniegirl⭐️: well hello there
laniegirl⭐️: it's been a few days since we've talked
laniegirl⭐️: where u been?

jakeybaby✨: I don't know

laniegirl✨: lmaoo how could you not know where u've been

jakeybaby✨: i just
jakeybaby✨: don't
jakeybaby✨: I don't know im not myself lately

laniegirl⭐️: uhhh okay lol

jakeybaby✨: listen
jakeybaby✨: we need to talk

laniegirl⭐️: uh oh
laniegirl⭐️: don't like the sound of that

jakeybaby✨: have a seat my friend

laniegirl⭐️: i am sitting u fool

jakeybaby✨: okay so um
jakeybaby✨: there's been a lot of stuff going on in my life lately and i
jakeybaby✨: I don't think i can handle a relationship right now

laniegirl⭐️: are you kidding me
laniegirl⭐️: are you actually ending a two year relationship through a fucking text?

jakeybaby✨: kind of
jakeybaby✨: no
jakeybaby✨: i am

laniegirl⭐️: what the hell's gotten into you lately?

jakeybaby✨: I don't know im nkt sure of anything anymore
jakeybaby✨: im just sure that I don't want to be with you anymore

laniegirl⭐️: are you fucking kidding me
laniegirl⭐️: is this because of that troye kid?

jakeybaby✨: no
jakeybaby✨: maybe
jakeybaby✨: fuck

laniegirl⭐️: ???

jakeybaby✨: you know what? fuck it
jakeybaby✨: it is about troye
jakeybaby✨: because im really fucking in love with him but he has a boyfriend
jakeybaby✨: is that what you wanted to hear? because i think it is
jakeybaby✨: I'm gay, lanie
jakeybaby✨: if you hadn't figured that out yet
jakeybaby✨: I've always been gay and I'll always be gay
jakeybaby✨: maybe i just started dating you because I didn't want to admit that
jakeybaby✨: so yeah, im breaking up with you because im not in love with you
jakeybaby✨: i thought i was, but i never really was
jakeybaby✨: and guess what? im breaking up with you over text because im too afraid to tell you these things in real life
jakeybaby✨: so go spread rumors about me, go tell the entire fucking school because i know you will, that's what you do best
jakeybaby✨: there
jakeybaby✨: I said it before you could

laniegirl⭐️: i knew it
laniegirl⭐️: fuck you
laniegirl⭐️: ive been cheating on you anyway so who fucking gives a shit
laniegirl⭐️: bye, jacob

jakeybaby✨: goodbye

laniegirl⭐️: good luck with that slut
laniegirl⭐️: he'll never like you back

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