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ardenn💗: i just found out you're in the hospital what happened im coming to see you fuck

sivan🎶: breathing problems :/

ardenn💗: aNGEL NO
ardenn💗: who- what caused it?

sivan🎶: no one it just kinda happened

ardenn💗: troye...
ardenn💗: these episodes you have never just "happen"

sivan🎶: i
sivan🎶: well i was talking to jacob and he just

ardenn💗: angel? he just what?
ardenn💗: fuck im going to kill him
ardenn💗: i told you he would hurt you
ardenn💗: i knew it i fucking knew it

sivan🎶: sorry i lost my train of thout 
sivan🎶: lol

ardenn💗: thought**
ardenn💗: it's spelled like thought baby

sivan🎶: it is?
sivan🎶: oh

ardenn💗: so, what were you saying about jacob?

sivan🎶: idk
sivan🎶: i just rmemebered i have to go back to scchool tomorrow and now im stressed
sivan🎶: im shaking

ardenn💗: baby, slow down
ardenn💗: when you try writing too fast you make mistakes, yeah?

sivan🎶: uh
sivan🎶: uh huh

ardenn💗: should i text jacob?

sivan🎶: ok

ardenn💗: alright baby, keep breathing for me

sivan🎶: will

ardenn💗: thank you xx


ardenn💗: jacob idk what you did but troye's in the hospital
ardenn💗: you hurt him, didn't you?
ardenn💗: im actually going to kill you
ardenn💗: i dont want you speaking to him ever again, got it?
ardenn💗: im serious dont you dare talk to him
ardenn💗: i warned you this would happen, you fucking dumbass
ardenn💗: now his family will have to pay a hospital bill they can't AFFORD
ardenn💗: and that means troye will have to work more
ardenn💗: you don't think about anyone but yourself, do you?

jakeybaby✨: calm down holy shit
jakeybaby✨: you don't even know what's going on

ardenn💗: i dont need to
ardenn💗: all i know is that troye is in the hospital, and that you're responsible

jakeybaby✨: yes i know

ardenn💗: do you even care?!

jakeybaby✨: of course i do
jakeybaby✨: but i said some pretty mean things the other night and im positive he'll never want to talk to me again.

ardenn💗: he doesn't

jakeybaby✨: okay
jakeybaby✨: i
jakeybaby✨: i called him mentally challenged

ardenn💗: oh my god
ardenn💗: you didn't
ardenn💗: i refuse to believe you're THAT stupid. i refuse

jakeybaby✨: i did
jakeybaby✨: and then he stopped writing to me
jakeybaby✨: which now i know why

ardenn💗: even someone simply calling him stupid lowers his self esteem so much he won't look at a textbook for a week
ardenn💗: but mentally challenged?
ardenn💗: you just took it to a whole other level
ardenn💗: this happened once before
ardenn💗: troye wouldn't sleep all week. he just studied and studied even though he didn't understand anything
ardenn💗: sometimes he'd get so frustrated, he'd make himself sick
ardenn💗: he had a migraine that entire week
ardenn💗: can't wait to see what effect this will have on him.
ardenn💗: good job, kid
ardenn💗: I hope you're happy with yourself.

jakeybaby✨: Im not

ardenn💗: good. don't talk to him ever again.

jakeybaby✨: I won't

read at 12:12 am.

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