"The last time I saw you like this was at the end of last tour. There was no horror movie today to blame. Do you want to tell me whats going on?"

She waited on an answer only to be met with silence, she sighed, she could not help but feel a bit disappointed but decided to shake it off and let the other girl approach her when she was ready.

"Ok come here, why don't we cuddle and get a few more hours of sleep?"

Lauren instantly moved and promptly let herself fall over her, her ear against her heart, listening to the rhythmic thump instantly made her all relaxed. It was a trick she used to calm herself as a kid, to listen to her mom's heartbeat... and it worked just fine with Ally too.

Ally brought one arm around her holding her in place and let her right go up to her face, her fingers tracing lines in her forehead and between her eyes as the girl sighed contently, and soon the girl drifted off, Ally following right behind.


Ally was woken the second time by laughter. It woke her from her deep slumber and she blearily blinked her eyes noticing even with the light rain outside that she had slept in.

Eager to see what had the girls so happy (And to make sure they were not up to making trouble really) she got out of the bedroom to see Normani closing the door to the living room area(it also made her reflect how far they came in terms of hotels) all three girls a little damp but with takeaway bags and big smiles.

"Morning girls!"

They all chorused morning back to her.

"We got breakfast!"

"Yup Lauren chose wafflehouse for you!"

Lauren beamed at her and she chuckled before speaking again.

"Come on all of you shower before any of you get a cold! After that we can have breakfast, after I was thinking it's the perfect rainy morning to do some baking!"

She received animated responses as two girls left the hotel room and Lauren went straight to the bathroom. She got Lauren shorts and a sweatshirt, getting herself pajama pants and a tshirt. She got into the bathroom to see Lauren waiting for her in the bath, moving the washcloth back and forth in the water surface. She knelled beside the tub taking it from her and putting soap in before working in lathering the girl. Once she was all clean she moved to her hair, running her finger through it and enjoying the vanilla scent.



"I was thinking we could go window shopping in the afternoon? And then have dinner out?"

She sounded hopeful and Ally was so happy she seemed in such good mood even after the early morning hiccup that she agreed straight away.

"You are eating all of you dinner tho. And lunch! No skipping lunch today, deal?"


She soon was finished and had all of her dried, including her hair. She hurriedly helped her dress before she got cold and went to shower herself.

Fifteen minutes later all of them were happily munching on breakfast, Ally cut Lauren waffles so she just had to stab them and bring to her mouth, with some syrup accident here and there. She affectionately cleaned her face making Lauren scrunch her nose up.


"Ok, who is ready to bake?"


Ally smiled at Lauren enthusiasm. She distantly recalled from some talk or another that Lauren enjoyed baking with her mom and sibling on holidays and wished they had time to do that more often. It had been a long time before, but seeing the happiness in the girl's face as she got out all the ingredients she had called for earlier she felt the memory tug at her. Maybe she was too homesick. Maybe that was just it and ally had been overthinking it, but her gut told her a resounding NO so she decided to keep an eye open, just in case.

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