30; happy ending

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"Wonho!" I jerked my head up and saw shownu and yerin running towards me. I stood up.

"How's y/n? What are they doing ?" Shownu had a serious look on his face.

"They're currently stitching her up and cleaning the cuts , they'll let us know whe-"

"Wonho?" The doctor came out with a clipboard.

"Yes?" I stood up and walked to doctor.

"You may go see her now , and who are they ?" My eyes shined brightly and I smiled.

"I'm her brother shownu nice to meet you and this is my girlfriend yerin , is she okay ?"

"Yes she's perfectly fine , we cleaned up her wounds and gave her some medicine to help her ease the pain, but she's fine ."

"Thank you doctor ." The three of us bowed . I walked to towards the room she was in. I knocked on the door .

"Come in." I opened the door and saw her in her hospital gown reading a book. She put the book down and got up .

"Wonho!!" She came running towards me with open arms and wrapped her arms around my neck. You could hear the thump of her body hitting mine and I just held her tight against me.

"Well you seem well for someone who is hospitalized!" Yerin said and shownu shushed her.

"Shut up !'" Y/n yelled and didn't let go of me. I didn't want to let go of her either.

"Okay um we're here too so where's our welcome hug?" We laughed at what yerin said and y/n let go of me and hugged shownu first .

"What if something happened to you ? Huh? "

"I'm fine now see ?"

"You're my little sis I can't have anything bad happen to you ." Shownu started to cry and y/n too.

"Okay okay my turn ." Y/n pulled away and hugged yerin, they both sobbed .

"What if something happened to my best friend?!"

"Your face is ugly when you cry please stop it's very disturbing." I remarked and shownu laughed.

"Shut up! "

"Can I have my girlfriend back now please?"

"No she's mine." Yerin held her tightly and shownu pulled her.

"We'll leave the two of you alone now, see at home , oh mom is coming by soon before visiting hours are u-"

"Y/n! Where's my daughter ?!" Everyone turned around as the door opened.

Y/n pov

"Mom stop crying ! I'm fine okay ?!"

"You're so mean big sis !! How could you?! What if you died ?! Who would I fight with huh?!" I looked up trying so hard not to cry.

"I'll give you some space with your family I'll be outside." Wonho whispered in my ear and I nodded.

"Y/n, yah what were you evening doing out so late huh?" I wiped my tears away and looked away.

"Well....... I-"

"It doesn't matter as long as your okay ." My mom hugged me more tighter.

"Mom I wanna hug y/n move ." Sungjin moved.

"Yah! You little rascal don't talk to me like that." I laughed and held my arms open and hugged sungjin as he started crying.

"Ahhhh, if your dad was still here, he'd be proud ."

"He is looking at us mom ." I smiled. My dad had died , he was murdered when I barely turned 5 and shownu was 9 or 8 somewhere around there and mom was pregnant with sungjin at that time so he never met my dad .

"I just don't want to lose you , I already lost your father ." I brought my mom closer to me and hugged her.

"What should matter is that I'm here so don't stress about it so much mom okay?"

"Ahhh I hate that you're a grown woman now aishhh, you'll always be my little girl to me y/n" I smiled and kissed her forehead.

"Ahhh we should get going sungjin fell asleep already, I'll take him." I escorted my mom out my room and saw wonho sitting down sleeping on one arm.

"Isn't that your boyfriend?"

"Yeah , I'll see you at home soon mom." Before she left , she walked towards wonho.

"Mom no ! He's -" she tapped his shoulder and he woke up.

"Oh Mrs Sohn, hello ." He got up and bowed. My mom hugged him .

"Thank you for taking care of my daughter thank you, if it wasn't for you, she wouldn't be here thank you, I'll leave my daughter in your hands from now on, I'm depending on you to give me grandchildren too." She winked at him and I was blushing but it made me happy my mom liked Wonho.

"I told you Mrs Sohn I already planned on taking care of your daughter , I'll promise you those grandchildren soon." He winked back at her .

"Oh my thank you , bye y/n"

"Bye mom." I hugged her one last time and she left. Wonho came and stood beside me .

"It's been a long day hasn't it?" I laid my head against his shoulder and nodded.

"It sure has been ..... I think we can finally be happy now ."

"What do you mean ?"

"I mean look at we went through Wonho , it's over now we can actually be happy now , everything is over ." He smiled and hugged me.

"I barely got you back and this happens, I just ..... I promise definitely not to leave your side at all ." He placed a soft kiss on my lips and took me in my room.

"You should be in bed rest missy."

"I feel better though ." He lifted me up and placed me on my bed .

"Rest okay? " He moved to the couch but before he could I pulled his arm.

"What are you doing?"

"Uhhh I was going to lay down on the co-" I shut him up and pushed him down on the bed and kissed him.

"No you're not , you're laying down with me." He laughed and laid my head on his chest as he was stroking my hair.

"I love you y/n, I don't think I've ever felt this way toward anyone but you." I sat up and crossed my legs , and he sat up.

"Me either ,yeah there was kihyun but I don't know .... but I know for sure that I love you, I'm in love with you shin hoseok, and only you." He leaned in and placed his hands on my cheek softly and we kissed passionately. After that night, nothing else happened, no psycho girls , no problems, no cheating no nothing , we were just simply happy together .

The end (,:

Well I hope you liked this chapter!!
I GOT TICKETS TO SEE MONSTA X GUYS not the p1 but still glad that I can see them 🤧

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