1; first encounter

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Y/n pov

( 4 years ago )

"I-I like you ...." there I was standing looking stupid telling my feelings to yoo kihyun.

"Please stop saying nonsense, do you really think I would like someone like you ? Look at you, you wear glasses , you're not very skinny, and you're not even pretty . Just stick to your books and focus on your studies ."

( today )

"Y/n hurry up , we're gonna be late !"

"I'm coming!" My roommate yerin was already at the door and here I was running with one shoe only.

"Seriously why am I still even alive ." I locked the door and ran with yerin to the bus stop.

"Yah! Put your shoe on." She fixed my hair while I put my shoe on. Once we got to the university, we decided to get something to eat.

"Rock paper scissors, if I win we get waffles, bacon , eggs, biscuits and sausage ,and hot chocolate . If you win we get pancakes, hash browns, eggs, coffee, and bacon." I told yerin and she put her hand out.

"Rock paper scissors ."
"Rock paper scissors "
"Rock paper scissors " 3 out of 3 I won.

"HA yes I won ! Let's go!" We ran in line and yerin just laughed .

"Yah! Is that Sohn y/n ?! Woah, she's so pretty."

I turned around and saw a boy and girl and I knew who they were . They were one of the many who called me 'ugly' 'not so skinny ' 'nerd' 'chubs' .

"Woah! It really is her ! Yah y/n do you remember us ?" I gave them a smile .

"Ahh yes I do , I remember you calling me chubs, ugly , nerd and furthermore! It's so nice to see you !" They looked down and looked away.

"S-Sorry....." I rolled my eyes and faced the front .

"Are you okay ?" Yerin asked me and I nodded.

"Seriously what makes it think it's alright to talk to me after what they've done , all they care about is looks .... pisses me off! I just want to forget my high school years."

After we took our order, we sat down and talked .

"So y/n have you been talking to any guys recently? "

"Yah yerin! I'm a freshman , this is what my first month here , of course not ! I rather focus on my studies."

"You're no fun !" She pouted.

"Okay fine then about you little ms. gossip." Her lips started to curl up and she gave me a smirk.

"Yah! How come you haven't told me!" I slapped her arm.

"Didn't think you'd care, but his name is kihyun , he's so sweet, and his voice is so beautiful. He can sing very well-"

"Kihyun? Kihyun what?" It can't be , there's like billions of kihyuns.

"Yoo Kihyun." Is it the Kihyun I know , maybe someone else or..

"I'll show you him." She pulled up her phone and looked for a picture of him , while she was doing that , the waiter brought us our hot chocolate .

"For y/n and yerin." He's very tall, very fit, his lips were very plump and he had a light shade of brown that looked like a bronze color.

"Yes that would be us." He placed the hot chocolate on the table and smiled at me. Oh my his smile is very heart warming.

"T-thank you." Why was I even stuttering.

"Anytime , please enjoy." He smiled again and left.


"Oh did you need something else?" Did I say that out loud?

"A-ah no I mean wow! The hot chocolate is amazing thank you!" He smiled again this time with his teeth showing. Really how can someone with a smile like that exist.

"Found it!" I snapped out of it and yerin showed me a picture of him . Before I could take a sip, I lifted my cup up.

"No....." it was the Kihyun I knew. There he was , it was yerin and Kihyun hugging . My hot chocolate slipped out my hand , the hot liquid splashed on me and it burned .

"Ow!" I jumped out of my chair.

"Y/n are you okay?!" I grabbed napkins and started cleaning my area.

"Here's your order- oh don't ! It's okay I'll clean it. Here." The waiter that gave us our hot chocolate came with our food but placed it down and bent down and helped me.

"No it's okay it's my fault I should clean it. I don't know what's wrong with me . I'm sorry." I bowed while cleaning the floor and he laughed.

"Hey , everyone has those days , here let me do it since I do work here. Oh and take this." He helped me up and gave me a handkerchief. I hesitated at first but he shoved it in my hands .

"Th-thank you and I'm sorry but really let me help." I bowed and he brought a mop and I helped him. Yerin was just there looking at us and smirking.

"Thank you y/n" he smiled and I just smiled back.
"No thank you .... uh-"


"Ah thank you and sorry Wonho oh and here ." I gave him his handkerchief but he refused.

"Keep it ."

"No really this is yours-"

"I'm giving it to you ." He laughed.

"Ah yes sorry."

"Stop saying sorry it's fine really."

"Sorry ah i mean ." I laughed nervously.

"Ahh you're too cute." He laughed.

"Huh?" He ruffled my hair and smiled .

"Here's your food please enjoy your breakfast y/n"

"Thank you Wonho."

I sat down and yerin looked at me.


"Oh nothing 'please enjoy your breakfast y/n' , anyways that was Kihyun."

"......" i stayed silent.

"Yah y/n ! What's wrong is he ugly or - ?"

"N-no I kno- I'm just jealous you found a cute guy! I hope he treats you right." I laughed. I didn't mean one bit what I said . I actually hated him now so much .

"Mmmm you might of found someone too , he sure does have eyes for you ."

"What ?! No it was just an accident!"

"Really then explain that." She moved her eyes to the right and I followed them. Her eyes lead to wonho and there he was smiling at me and I smiled back and looked at yerin.

"Whatever , we should hurry up before we're late."

We both got up and we were about to leave until I heard someone call my name.

"Bye y/n! Have a nice day!" I look back and Wonho was waving at me.

"Thank you Wonho!" I waved back and bowed . Why is he so nice ...

Hello I'm back at again with writing these sucky fanfic 🙃. Anyways enjoy this very boring chapter. I'm still working on the ending LOL but I'm almost done so please enjoy!!

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