29; on my way

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After minutes of driving , I arrived at the location.

Please god please .....

The location was an old warehouse. A group of guys came towards me.

"Come with us." I followed them and they led me to an empty room.

"Where's y/n?!"

"Calm down , wait."

"Wait for what ?!"

"Bring her out !" The main guy instructed the other two guys with him to go get her.


"Stay back or else she gets more hurt." The two guys carried her out . They dropped her on the floor. Her shoes were off, she was barefoot. Her legs were all bruised up and dirty . The outline of the rope was printed on her legs. Her hands were tied behind her back . Her shirt was cut open exposing her chest and stomach. On her stomach there was little cuts on her stomach still fresh because she was still bleeding. The top of her chest had cuts too. Her face ..... tears were streaming down her face and tape was placed on her mouth . There was a cut along her jawline and cheeks . God, what the hell is wrong with these people ! One of the guys cut the rope and tore off the tape from her mouth . She was breathing hard and she slowly sat up but obviously she was having trouble.

"Wonho ....." she started to cry more .

"It's going to be okay y/n , trust me okay , I won't let them lay another hand on you." I wanted to go and take her away but I was in no position to do that .

"Ha , keep saying your petty little lies in her face , I love it ." That voice .... no it couldn't be . I turned behind me and saw her walking towards me.

"What do we do now boss?"

"Mijin..... what is this ?! Are you behind this ?!" An evil grin appeared on her face.

"No you're behind this ."

"How am I behind this ?"

"If it wasn't for you , maybe your precious y/n wouldn't be like this . Because of her , she made you fall in love with her , because of her I lost you , if she would of never came around , you would of been mine long time ago. If it wasn't for her...." She paused mid way in her sentence trying to contain her emotions in before she goes on a bill longer rant that I didn't wanna hear anymore of her lousy voice.

"but no you left me for that stupid ass ."

"You don't get to call her stupid . Because of her , she's made me happy , yeah I fell in love with her so what? I don't regret it, what I do regret is loving you and regret meeting you ." Looking at mijin, her hand balled up into a fist . She closed her eyes and sighed .

"Continue." She signal one of the guys to continue hitting her. One of the guys pulled y/n hair and started slapping her. The other guy started punching her stomaching. I grasped my hair in anger.

"Stop fucking hurting her !" She laughed .

"Oh Wonho can't you see I'm doing this all for you ?" She twirled the knife that was in her hand and signal the two guys to stop as she stepped closer to y/n.

"I'm doing this out of love baby ." Disgusting. She looked at y/n and played with her hair and grabbed her by the neck .

"I don't like you seeing you with her , the only way I can stop you from seeing you with her, is taking her away." She playfully placed the knife against y/n throat . I gulped down. She started to slowly draw little cuts. And the room was just filed with y/n whimpers from the pain.

"Stop ! Don't please ..... stop hurting her , what do you want ? Hmmm? I'll give you anything just leave her alone ." She stopped and looked at me and smiled.

implicit innocence ; wonhoWhere stories live. Discover now