My Neighbor's Wife

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So, I have this story published in and I decided to put it in here too :)

Hope you all like this :D


"Ben, I'm pregnant"

It was midnight, Ben slowly creeped upstairs to their house- he and his friends got carried away with their drinking session and did not notice the time- he slowly opened the door as not to wake his wife who would surely get mad with him for coming home late. He was thankful that he did not drink that much. He walked inside, closing the door behind him; once inside the house, he proceeded to take off his shoes to not make noises. Going to their bedroom, he thought that he's already safe, but when he was about to turn the knob the door opened.

Lucy was not asleep, no, she was waiting for her husband to return. It was late at night and she was worried that something bad might have happened to him, but then she heard his footsteps- opening the door a little to check on what her husband was doing, she saw that he was trying to get to their bedroom unnoticed. It angered her that instead of apologizing to her, he chose to hide the fact that he went home late and worst, drunk. 'Think you can hide from me?' she thought. So she formed her plan- she would surprise him by opening the door first before he does.

"Lu-Lucy" Ben was shocked to see his wife standing there in front of him.

"Ben" she said, mocking him. Her hands were placed in her hips. He cannot look at her; he knew he had been caught.

Raising one eyebrow she asked him "Would you care to tell me where you have been?"

He was thinking of a great excuse to get out of the trouble he was in, but he could not think of one, so he just stood there and bowed his head thinking that if he did this, his wife might feel sympathy for him. But Lucy was not impressed- she was asking him and all he did was bow his head. 'Didn't he realize how worried I was?'

"Well, are you going to answer me or not?" she was tapping her foot on the floor, waiting for him to answer her.

"I-I… I was… I was just with my friends." he answered truthfully.

"And what did all of you do?" Lucy asked getting irritated by the vague answers that her husband was giving her.

"Well, we… we were drinking." Ben admitted, shameful for his selfish actions.

"Oh! So you see it fit to drink all night and forget that you have a wife back home who must be worried sick about you!?" Lucy snapped, her voice getting higher.

"No, I was going to tell you but… well- I- they said- my friends said that we won't be long"

"You won't be long!? Do you know what time it is Ben? Do you? Do you?" Lucy was now practically shouting.

"Yes, I know, but, I'm here now, aren't I? I'm fine, no need to worry now." He said, grabbing hold of her hands to calm her down.

"You don't get it do you? You didn't even apologize to me" she jerked her hands away from him.

"I'm sorry, I really am. This won't happen again. Now, can we just go to sleep and forget about this?"

"That's good, Ben! A very sincere apology! You shouldn't have apologized."

"What's your problem!? I said I was sorry, isn't that enough?" he snapped at her. He was sincere with his apology but it seemed like it wasn't enough for his wife.

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