Chapter 29

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Midway through her journey to work, Lucy realizes that The Judge will not be present today. He has told her of some business trip that he is going to attend to, and says that it will take him the whole day. Though he wants for her to go with him, the client has asked for The Judge to go alone. So, he has allowed her to take the time off and enjoy the rest of her day.

With a big smile on her face, she happily walks back home. Today, she will invite her husband to go to the park with her. Though she knows that while she doesn't have work, her husband does. But, she will ask him to close his shop today; he will never say no to her. Besides, he's always the one who wants her to stop working for them to spend more time together; this will be the perfect opportunity.

Arriving in Fleet Street, she excitedly makes her way upstairs in her and her husband's room. When she reaches the landing of the stairs, she takes a peek first on the entrance door. She has to make sure that there are no customers present, as not to disturb. She immediately sees someone inside-a man- besides Ben. The two appears to be serious, and talking of something really important.

She squint her eyes to get a better look inside; upon having a closer look at the man, she notices that his face is quite familiar. She tries to remember from where she has seen him. She is very sure that they have already met. Maybe they met at the ball that The Judge held? No, she doesn't think so. But, where did she meet him?

She turns around, leaning on the banister of the stairs. Since the man got her so curious, she tries to recall of when and where she has seen him. She racks her brain, hating the feeling of not being to remember. Getting frustrated and annoyed, she throws her hands in the air, giving up. She is about to barge inside the house, not caring about bothering the two- she has to know who that man is; when suddenly, it clicks on her. He's the one who was with the slut!

She remembers now! Back when she was attacking the slut, that man was the one who was preventing her. What is he doing in her house, now? It doesn't seem like he is getting a shave. What are he and Benjamin talking about? Does this man reports to her husband about the slut whenever she's away? Well, she will have to find out for herself.

Creeping back towards the door, she presses her right ear on it. She is expecting to find it hard to listen to what's being said between two, but she is wrong. She can hear the man shouting, and she does not like what she is hearing.

"Yes! She loves you, very much! And you are too blind to see it!"

She does not need to guess who that man is talking about. There is only one woman who keeps on pushing herself to her husband, and that is the slut- Mrs. Lovett. She cannot understand how this woman cannot get the fact that Ben does not want her. There may be something that happened between her and her husband, but that's all in the past. Ben has reassured many times that it was all a mistake, and she believes him. And considering the slut's desperate actions for Ben to like her, she thinks Mrs. Lovett seduced her husband, that's why he did it.

She does not wait for Benjamin's reply regarding on what the man has said. She will deal with the matter herself, and the only way to do it is to talk to the woman directly. She cannot have the slut ruining her marriage again. She has done it once, and she will not allow her to do it again. If the slut wants war, then she will give her war.

She angrily descends down the stairs, though still careful not to make any noises. It's better if Ben doesn't know that she will talk to Mrs. Lovett, or else he will just prevent her. Once outside the famous bakeshop, she thinks of ways on how she will approach the baker. She really does not want to be violent again. In fact, she still feels guilty for attacking the woman; she just got carried away by her anger. But now, maybe she will try and really talk to her. She will try to understand whatever she will say.

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