Chapter 21

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The sun is out from hiding today, shinning very brightly. It has given an air of cheeriness around London, giving colors and life at the surroundings- unlike it being usually dark and gloomy. There are also a lot of people outside, taking advantage of the sunny weather. Two of these people who are out enjoying are Mr. Harris and Mrs. Lovett. They are on their way to Hyde Park, having decided to have a picnic.

Once they arrived at their destination, David immediately spots the big willow tree that is still unoccupied. He drags the baker towards the tree hurriedly, so that they can go there before anyone can. If they are not able to get this spot, then they will be forced to eat directly under the heat of the sun, since all the places under the trees are taken.

When they get there, being the gentleman, David sets up the blanket and brings out the foods. And after all is settled, they both take a seat with their backs resting on the trunk of the Willow.

Mrs. Lovett watches the little boys and girls from afar, enjoying the sounds of laughter that they are creating. Smiling to herself, she touches her belly; in few years, her baby will also be playing in this park, and making some friends, too. And she will be sitting on where she is now, watching him- or her.

"What are you smiling about?" David asks, slightly tapping her on the shoulder to get her attention. He is looking at her with utmost curiosity, with a little smile on his lips.

Mrs. Lovett looks at him, and then returns her gaze back to the children. Shaking her head, she answers. "Nothing."

David just shrugs and leaves the baker alone. They just stay there sitting in silence- wrapped up in their own little world. Though they may not be talking to each other at the moment, there is no awkwardness between them.

After a while, David speaks, breaking the stillness of the moment. He cocks his head to the side, glancing sideways at the still dazed Mrs. Lovett. "Nellie, do you love to dance?"

The baker's brow furrows, thrown off guard at the randomness of David's question. But thinking about it, yes, she loves to dance. Ever since she was a little girl, her father would always teach her how to do the waltz. Then later on, when she finally learned- and when she was old enough- she and her father would sneak out from her mother, and they would go to a pub and dance all night. How she misses him now; had he not catch the plague, he'd be sitting with her too. He is her first and original best friend.

"Yes, I do. Why'd you ask?" she grabs an apple from the basket, taking a bite out of it.

David smiles at her, looking rather sheepish. He is charmingly biting down at his lower lip, twinning his hands together. "Well, it's just that... I got an invite from the ball that was held every year by Judge Turpin. And, I would love for you to be my muse."

It is the ball that people are talking about when she went to the market. According from what she heard, the foods there are delicious and that the place is really grand. Also, the dresses that the women wear there are that kind which she will have to save money for months before she can purchase one. Well, it's not surprising really, for only those who are on the upper class are invited. So, that leads her to turn down David.

"But, I don't fit there. I don't have a proper dress to wear, I am not rich. I can't go, David, I can't." She really wants to go, yes, but she knows that a woman like her doesn't belong to a ball like that. She can go to pubs, not there.

David scowls at her; he takes her hand and caresses her knuckle with his thumb. "Nellie, don't think like that. It says in the invitation that I can bring one guest; they did not say that I could not bring this particular beautiful lady baker from Fleet Street."

This soothes Mrs. Lovett a little bit. David really has a way with words. She chuckles but then puts on a stern face and asks him. "Well, whose beautiful baker from Fleet Street are you talking about? There are two of them."

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