Chapter 25

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"You look lovely tonight." The Judge says as he runs his hand on the side of Lucy's face. They are both in the middle of the dance floor, waltzing to the now cheerful music that is being played by the band. Lots of dancing couples are surrounding them, not paying them any mind. Everyone is too busy with their own partners to pay attention to other people.

Lucy blushes at the compliment, her cheeks becoming rosy. She does not want to admit it to herself, but when the judge told her that she's lovely, it means more to her than when her husband told her that she's beautiful, just a while ago. She cannot explain it, maybe it is the way that Ben has complimented her- his tone of voice- but she can tell that he is not sincere. Unlike the Judge, she knows and she feels it, that he meant what he said.

Richard Turpin twirls her around; her expensive dress is billowing around her, following her every motion. When she is back in the Judge's arms, she flashes him a smile and she replies: "and you look mighty handsome."

She is truly enjoying the night. Although she is supposed to feel guilty by enjoying it with another man, yet, she cannot simply make herself care. Her husband is probably looking for her now. She has left him with that obnoxious old man a while back- the old man will keep him busy for a while. If he ever sees her dancing with Richard, he'll surely be furious.

Wanting to check on him, she glances at the table on where they are seated in before- the old man is there, pestering someone that is not her husband. Ben is gone. Where can he possibly be?

Panic is starting to creep inside her; she cannot focus anymore on dancing. She is frantically looking around, trying to spot her husband from the crowd. She must get back to him; she cannot let him see who she is with. Thin sheet of sweat is starting to form on her forehead. Her head is spinning and she is feeling dizzy. She does not know why she is scared; she is not even doing anything wrong, no, not at all.

The Judge, as if sensing her inner turmoil, leans towards her and whispers in her ear. "Are you alright?"

She composes herself, feeling stupid for being so obvious. She tries to smile at Richard, but it only comes out as a grimace. Taking a deep breath, she manages to calm down for a bit just to answer. "Can we go somewhere private?"

Richard's eyebrows shoot up and his eyes widens. Upon noticing this, Lucy immediately knows what he is thinking. She can feel the heat crawling from her neck to her cheeks out of embarrassment. She quickly explains herself. "No- not that. I- just, somewhere- somewhere quiet."

She can see the disappointment on the Judge's eyes, but he quickly hides it with a smile. He places his hand on the small of her back and guides her towards the door that- she knows- leads to the balcony. She just follows his lead, bowing her head down. She just hopes that the throng of people can hide her from her husband.
Nellie detangles herself from Benjamin as the music stops. Smiling at him, she curtseys; he also does the same, after her. Then, they both walk over the railings of the balcony, leaning on them. Ben is standing closely beside the baker, they are facing each other.

It is only now that they have stopped, that Mrs. Lovett starts to feel exhaustion. Her feet are throbbing with pain, and she wants to sit so badly. She is also out of breath, though this could be from the reason that Benjamin is staring at her- dare she says it- lovingly. But, although she is tired, she can say that it is all worth it. She is very happy, very, very happy.

The whole time the she and Ben is dancing, she is deceiving herself, pretending that he is her husband and that he loves her. Of course, what adds to her pleasure is when he has told her that she can pretend that he can be that man that she loves; well, she clearly does not need to do that anymore. She is already with him- with that man- and it is him.

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