Chapter 31

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Since I've been out for a long time, I've got a surprise for you at the end of the chapter. :)
Benjamin goes back to the parlor, where his wife and Mrs. Lovett are, after talking to the doctor. The man said that he needs to take good care of Nellie, not allowing her to do strenuous activities. As much as possible, it would be for the better if she would just lie in bed. Knowing how hardworking she is, he will ask her not to open her shop at least for a couple of weeks, just to make sure that she will get the rest that she needs.

And, since Lucy will be working again tomorrow, he will be able to monitor Nellie. He does not know if she has already forgiven him of what he did to her, but he guesses that maybe they can put aside their problems for the sake of their unborn child. She needs him now, and he has to be there by her side.

"Ben! I was just telling Mrs. Lovett to rest." Lucy greets, the moment he enters the parlor.

He does not show his surprise when his wife said this. He remembers just a while ago how she insisted that they do not check on Nellie- which he is glad that he did. But, after he's gone from the doctor, Lucy took care of her, and she seems to be concerned of her wellbeing. He does not know of his wife's sudden change of mood towards his best friend, but he is happy knowing that they have a chance to get along.

Turning to the baker, who is still looking sickly pale, he smiles at her then concedes with his wife. "Yes, she's right. Maybe you should get some sleep. If you need anything, you can call for us."

He wishes that he can just stay at Nellie's side, and not leave her. He has done so many things to hurt her, and this is the least that he could do, to take care of her. But, he knows that his wife will not allow him to spend time with her. Lucy may have shown her concern to Nellie a while ago, but he knows that she still doesn't want him around her.

Sighing, he places his hand at the small of Lucy's back and guides her outside. "Come, dear. Let's leave Mrs. Lovett alone so she can rest."
Entering their house, Ben immediately places himself on the barber chair, plopping down. He can already feel the tiredness from running about a while ago when calling the doctor. Heaving a sigh, he closes his eyes and rubs his temples, feeling a headache coming in.

"Ben, can we talk?" he hears Lucy says. Frowning, he opens his eyes to see her standing in front of him. It seems like the rest that he will not get the rest that he wants.

Standing upright, he reaches up and grabs her hands, holding them with his own. "What is it? Is there something wrong?"

Pulling away, Lucy turns around and crosses her arms. She then asks him, her voice full of contempt. "How long have you known about Mrs. Lovett's pregnancy?"

He doesn't know why his wife is asking him this. She seems angry; is it because of him not telling her of Nellie's pregnancy right away? But that reason is too petty. Besides, it's not like she really cares. It's only now that he has seen her show concern to his friend. "Why are you asking me this, Lucy? Does it matter?"

Although she has her back on him, he can still imagine her rolling her eyes. She huffs in annoyance, throwing her hands up in the air and turning to face him. "Just answer me, Ben."

"No, I want to know why, first." he says, shaking his head. Sometimes, his wife can be overbearing.

He receives a glare with that response. Sighing in defeat, and not wanting the conversation to turn into a fight, which where he thinks that it is leading, he answers her. "I've known right from the start."

Lucy approaches him, grabbing hold of his face with both of her hands. She is looking at him straight in the eyes, and he can see all her suspicions reflecting in them, making him uncomfortable. After a short pause, she asks, her voice soft. "...and did you ask her of the child's father?"

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