Chapter 26

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The pair, Mr. Harris and Mrs. Lovett, is back at the bakeshop. They are in the parlor, seated in front of the roaring fire that's keeping them warm. It has only been a few minutes since they have arrived. By now, Nellie is much calmer. Though she is still crying softly, she is not bawling like a child anymore. A great thanks to David; his soothing words really worked like a charm.

It still pains her to think of the things that Benjamin has said to her. She knows he did that just to save himself from his angry wife, but it still hurts nonetheless. It is the words of the person you love that can affect you the most; for whatever they may say- good or bad- it will always mean so much to you. For him to say all those things to her- that she's desperate- then he must actually think that. He will not just blurt out things that, even though for a bit, he does not mean.

Her pain turns into anger as she reflects more of what happed just a while ago. She hated how Ben just left her like that. It's not like she came to him; in fact, it's the other way around; he approached her first. How will he be able to fulfill his promise to her that he will take care of her and their child, when he cannot even defend her from his wife? With just one snap of Lucy's fingers, Ben is already at her side, bowing to her every wills.

If she is in Ben's situation, and Albert has caught them, she will protect him even though it will cause her her marriage. That's how much she will do for him; that's how much she loves him. Unfortunately, he doesn't return her feelings. It is only she that is giving Benjamin love, and all he is doing is receiving them; sometimes he throws them away.

Thumbs run down her cheeks to wipe the tears that stain her face. She looks up, seeing the face of David. She has completely forgotten about him. Here, beside her is a man who does not leave her side, and who is willing to do anything for her; all he asks for is for her to love him, yet she cannot do that, just like how Ben can't with her.

She wants to tell him that she is alright, but she knows that she will just make a fool of herself if she says this, because it's very obvious that she's not fine- far from it. Also, she does not trust herself to speak. She's afraid that whatever she will say, will just turn into a sob. Instead, she just offers David a sad smile. This is for her thankfulness that he is still with her, for comforting her, and for loving her.

She leans her head on his shoulder, enjoying the warmth that his body is radiating. She closes her eyes, trying to relax, but images of Ben denying her come in to her mind. She bolts up, sitting straight. She is just staring into nothingness, not moving; it is as if she is paralyzed. Then, without warning, she begins to cry. Just like that, she is a sobbing mess again.

David, who has not said any word to her since they left the ball- except for trying to calm her- has now spoken. He wraps his arms around her, cradling her head on his chest.

"Nellie, tell me what happened." He says, as he caresses Mrs. Lovett's hair. It leaves him feeling helpless for not being able to do anything that can maybe aid her to whatever she is going through. He doesn't even know what has happened that causes her to act like this. "Please, Nellie. I need to know."

Mrs. Lovett looks up to face David. Shall she tell him? She does not want to hurt him by telling him that Ben is the cause of all this; that the reasons she cannot make herself love him is because of Ben. Because she loves that stupid bastard more than she ever should.

But David at least deserves an explanation. Maybe she should tell him? There's nothing left to lose for her. Besides, it will be for the better if he knows. At least, she does not need to hide the fact from him. Also, even though she'll confess it to the wrong man, at least she will be able to let out what she has been keeping a secret for a long time.

"Before I tell you, I want your full understanding. Can you give that to me?" the baker asks; yes, she wants to share her story, but she does not need someone who will just judge her. She does not need any more negativity.

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