Chapter 27

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The morning after, Benjamin wakes up with a throbbing headache. Drinking is only fun while you're at it, but not after, he muses. He rubs his temples, to alleviate the pain in his head. Slowly sitting up from the bed, he immediately notices the absence of his wife from his side.

His brows furrowing as he stands up from the bed. It is very unusual for Lucy to be awake before him. Now, where has she gone off to? Maybe she went to work? But, it's Sunday. His headache forgotten, he walks out of their bedroom in search of his wife.

As he exits the room, a smell of something burning instantly hits his nose. Thinking that their house is on fire, he looks around in panic, trying to spot his wife. Fortunately, he sees her right away. There, standing near the stove, is a distressed-looking -Lucy. She is holding a charred pan that is still quite smoking.

Relief washes over Ben as he realizes that the house is not on fire, and his wife is safe. After seeing her, he suspects that it is she that is the cause of the smell of burnt food. Slowly, he approaches Lucy, standing right behind her. "What are you doing?"

Startled, Lucy gasps, dropping the pan to the ground. She turns around to see the handsome face of her husband. "Ben, don't you sneak up on me like that!"

Ben bends down to pick up the pan. He inspects it, noting that there is not one spot that remains of its true color. He holds it up, showing it to his wife. "What have you done to this poor thing?" he asks her, laughing.

Lucy crosses her arms and glares at her husband. "You're making fun of me." She turns around, her head hanging low. "I was only trying to cook you breakfast."

Ben's eyes bulge out of their sockets, not attempting to hide his shock. His wife is trying to cook for him? First, she woke up early, and now she's cooking! What sort of miracle is this? Not even for his birthday or their anniversary, that his wife will do this. What has gotten into her?

"I'm sorry, my dear. I'm just not used to this." Says Ben; he ambles towards his wife, wrapping his arms around her waist. Lucy leans back, resting her head on Ben's chest.

"I know. That's why, from now on, things will be different." Lucy turns around, and puts her hands on her husband's shoulder; she stands on her tiptoes and plants a kiss on Ben's lips. "Let's start anew."

In response, Benjamin just smiles, although the smile does not quite reach his eyes.
Sitting in on his barber chair, now left to his own thoughts, Benjamin ponders on about what his wife has said just a while ago. He has meant to quiz her about last night, on her leaving him and suddenly being with the judge. But, when she said that they will start anew, he doesn't want to ruin the moment with bringing up 'past' problems.

He should be happy, that finally he is getting what he wants. It seems like Lucy has forgiven him now. She is ready for them to rebuild what he destroyed. They will go back from the start, and everything will be normal again. Everything will change, for the better. He should be happy... but he isn't.

His sole focus now is his best friend, Nellie. How can he rejoice, if he has lost his best friend to his own stupidity? He knows that he will not be easily forgiven for this, and it makes him feel miserable. To be honest, he is more distressed now, than when he thought that his wife will never forgive him for his infidelity.

Nellie is a very important person in his life, and he hurt her. It's his fault that they were caught together, and yet, he made it look like it was her doing. What kind of friend he is? He is supposed to protect her. He should ask for her forgiveness, but he cannot show his face to her, yet. He feels guilty and embarrassed, very.

Closing his eyes and sighing, Ben rubs his forehead. He shifts on the chair, sliding down a bit. As he makes himself comfortable, he thinks of his other predicament.

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