Chapter 28

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Few months passed, and Ben is living a merry life- or that's what he makes himself believe. His wife has been more hands on than before, regarding household chores. She has been cleaning more often and trying to cook, but he still does the washing of the clothes. When Lucy tried to do the laundry, she just complained all day of how it hurts her back.

But, he is not only thankful for the decrease of house works, he is also happy with how his relationship with his wife is going. Lucy is not lying when she said that they will start anew. She has completely forgiven him, and has not mentioned anything about his past mistakes- not even once.

Lucy has been trying her best to please him; it's as if she's the one who did something wrong. It's making him feel guilty, but of course, he's also doing what he can, to make her happy- that's the least that he could do, after all. They are both working to build their relationship, and they are getting good results.

There are times though, that he cannot help but think about Nellie. He always wonders what she is doing, or how is she, or if she's still mad at him. He knows that just one trip downstairs and he'll get the answers for his questions, but he can't bring himself to approach her. Well, he'll be honest and admit that it is because he is scared. Yes, he is afraid to see her. For after all these time that they are apart, he still has feelings for her. He still likes her- more than ever before.

He is wrong, very wrong. He is not confused about his feelings for his best friend, in fact, he is very sure. It's just that, he does not want to admit it to himself. He is a married man, and it is not acceptable to feel something for Nellie. He must only have affection for his wife, and only her. So, he avoids his best friend, hoping that it will vanish what he feels for her. He is not successful though.

Nellie is always in his mind. She manages to worm her away inside his brain and stay there. He often tries to block her, to not think of her, but his memories of her are stubborn. He always remembers how she takes care of him, give him advices, and cook for him- all the things she does for him.

Sometimes, it makes him feel bad, to be thinking about his best friend, but it's the only way that he can see her- in his mind. He misses her a lot; he has not seen her ever since the ball. He sometimes glances outside the window, in hopes that he will get a chance to catch a sight of her, but no, it is David whom he always manages to see; and it makes him angry.

His anger is really because of jealousy. Instead of him, it is now David who is always at Nellie's side. He now has a replacement; he bets that the man is now the one whom his best friend confides in. Hell, maybe David is now Nellie's best friend or maybe they are now... lovers. Yes, can be; out of spite, the baker must have chosen to forget about him and settle with that man, who doesn't hurt her.

Anger again fills his senses, as he pictures David being around his Nellie. He doesn't want to think about what is between them anymore, it only infuriates him. He rather focuses his attention on his wife, who is in the kitchen, cooking. He smiles as he listens to her, humming a soft tune while she stirs the pot. He remembers how his best friend always loves to sing as she cooks, too.

Now, he cannot help but compare the two. His best friend knows her way around the kitchen, and serves him foods that are really delectable. Meanwhile, his wife, though she tries so hard, cannot really perfect any dish. With Lucy, he always ends up eating the burnt or raw food that she prepared.

Nellie is very independent; she does everything without needing any help from other people. She is alone, yet, she can protect herself. She can handle those nasty customers that she sometimes has in her shop. She is chatty and friendly with anyone, as long as she finds them trustworthy.

Lucy, on the other hand, always needs guidance; she cannot act on anything without the help of others. Also, she is gullible; she trusts people too easily even when they look suspicious. She can be a snub, too. She does not easily mingle with people whom she thinks are not worthy of her attention. They both have contradicting personalities.

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