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it's been a week since i last saw jimin. he didn't text me or came by the office, he did nothing.

and that is totally fine, i don't have time for drama anyways.

for the past few days i made sure that im loaded with work. i drown myself into work. so that i won't even think about him a second.

the day after jungkook took me home, the others also went home. jihoon also went to work after the day they came. i know he knows about what happen but he just keep his mouth shut until now, and that's great.

"miss," i heard jihoon's voice in the intercom.


"can i come in?" he asked.

"yeah sure," i said. "why are you even asking, you can just come inside."

after few minutes jihoon came and he's also with a lot of papers.

"uh this is the design that our architects made for the uh resort," he give me the papers. "you can pick different designs, they also put at back the materials they want to use for their design."

i look behind the paper and see what jihoon's talking about. im glad they followed my instructions that i want a eco friendly materials but it will still look classy.

"this is great. ask them to give me the blueprint so we can start working on this." bcs shit this is a 10 storey hotel.

"uhm that's the problem, miss." jihoon said.

i narrowed my brows and looked at him. "what do you mean?"

"we still don't have the final measurement of the whole island that's why they can't make the blueprint."

"do you have the whole measurement of the island?" i asked.

"i do but it's not with me right now, its in my office." he said.

"that's okay, maybe i can go there when we get back." i said.

oh yeah. it's in jimin's office.

"you should go at mr. park's office."


"the measurement are at mr. park's, so you need to grand get that." i said. "understand?"

jihoon nodded. "when will i go?"

i looked at my clock, it says 12:35.

"after you eat your lunch, you can go." i looked at him. "i don't have any meetings today right?"

"okay, miss."

after that jihoon left my office. i arranged all the things he gave to me. i need to examine this one by one so i can see which one is the most reliable one.

i still have a long day.


i stared at nothingness while the guys discuss about the small business that we have.

"i think its great if we have another branch in other countries." namjoon hyung said.

"but which country?" hoseok hyung asked. "we already have in thailand and here."

"i think we should start here in asia first, after that we can expand." yoongi hyung said.

"well, we will be putting alot of money in this one." jin hyung said.

"oh, hyung," jungkook raised his hand. "can i suggest that we should add more in our menu. like maybe a seasonal food something like that."

"yeah jungkook is right, people change their taste. and we need something new if we want more money for our expansion." taehyung said.

"what about you, jimin?"

i looked at jin hyung and he's waiting for my answer. but before i can reply, my secretary speak at the intercom.

"sir, someone wants to see you." she said.

"who is it?"

"it's ms. min yoonji from the myj firm's secretary. jeon jihoon."

jihoon's here?

"sure, let him in." i said. i waited a few minutes before i saw jihoon peeking at my door.

"yah jihoon-ah!" jungkook greeted him.

he smiled and bowed asa greeting.

"i'm sorry if i'm disturbing you guys," jihoon said.

"nonsense, you're our friend now." hoseok hyung said.

i cleared my throat, "do you need something jihoon?"

"oh yes, uhm my boss needs the whole measurement of the island." jihoon said, "she's already checking the final look and she already asked the others to make a blueprint so we need the measurement."

oh okay, but i thought she'll be the one who will get it– stupid jimin!

"that's why don't worry, sir. by next month everything will be finished so you can start constructing." jihoon added.

"isn't that a bit fast?" namjoon hyung said.

he's right, its just been a week since yoonji saw the island and she already have the final look? that's ridiculous.

"tell her we are not in a hurry," i said.

"oh my boss isn't in a hurry," jihoon defended. "she just want to drown herself into a lot of works."

why?— well i don't know jimin maybe it's bcs of you.

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