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i remember talking about yoonji to my dad regarding yoonji's company. so yeah my dad arranged a meeting bcs he plans on investing at yoonji's company and also want yoonji to plan and design our new hotel and resort at the island that he recently bought.

and now we are on the way to the her company.

"dad, does she know that we have a meeting this early?" i asked my dad.

"yes, i called her secretary yesterday to confirm about it and he said yes." he replied.

i nodded and looked at the windows as we passed by big buildings.

"you looked extra good today." my dad suddenly asked.

i smiled at him.

i don't know what's gotten into me but when dad informed me about the meeting last night i asked our helpers to prepare my best suit. im not trying to impress her or anything, i just automatically thought that i should look good on front of her.

"you still like her, don't you?"

"my feelings for her doesn't changed, dad." i replied.

"why did you two broke up at the first place? you two looked good together, your mom really likes her even your siblings."

i don't even know why i broke up with her. it just happened.

i smile as a reply to my dad and wait as we reach the company.

dad comments on everything he sees, like how big yoonji's company and how polite her employees.

"she's doing a great job," dad said.

im happy for her bcs she already achieved what she wants. this was her even before.

we met her secretary, jihoon. the one myongjoo was talking with yesterday. he led as to a room and offered as coffee.

"i will just call, ms. yoonji." he said then went out of the room.

after several minutes, i saw her entering the room with a killer heels and sexy outfit. actually it's not that sexy but for me it's the sexiest thing ever, seeing her in a corporate attire.

the moment i stepped inside the room, my eyes landed on park freaking jimin. gosh, why did he needs to look so good? that suit he's wearing is ugh.

focus, yoonji. focus!

i cleared my throat and smiled at jimin's dad.

"good morning, sir. it's nice to meet you again." then i shake hands with them.

"please, call me uncle. you used to call me that . or you want to call me dad?" what the heck?!

"dad." jimin said.

"i'm just joking." then uncle laughed.

i laughed a bit. for a sec i think i just blushed.

"let's get started?"

i just finished talking about the good qualities our company have and the things that they can get when they invest. like the discount we can give when they want us to design and plan a structure for them.

right now, uncle is reading the contract that we prepared and i told him that we can change it right away if there's are some things he doesn't agree with.

while uncle is busy reading, park freaking jimin is shamelessly checking me out. why did i think of standing in front of him?

i looked at him as he tilted his head like he's checking my ass. i looked at him with wide eyes silently telling him to fuck off but this ass just laughed and winked at me.

park freaking jimin what are you doing?!

"okay, im gonna sign it right now." uncle suddenly said. i looked at uncle as he sign the paper.

"thank you for trusting us, uncle." i smiled at them widely. mission accomplished!

uncle gave the contract to jihoon.

"since we are already partners now, i want to talk about our first project."

like right freaking now?!

"i want you to design and plan our newest hotel and resort at one of the islands i bought." he said.

"uh, i need to see the place first before i plan everything." i said. i need to see how i will design and plan everything especially the hotel.

"well if that's the case, you can go with jimin next week and you can roam around the whole area for a week." he said then looked at jimin. "you can bring your friends as well."

i am going with my ex for a week in a island? i repeat. with my ex. MY EX.

what did i do to deserve this?!

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