London, England

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As soon as Christmas had passed, it seemed that both agents phones were suddenly turned on again and wouldn't stop vibrating. After packing a go-bag, Lucy made her way into the office, dropping the bag off at her desk before making her way to the briefing room, and sitting down happily.

"Hello all, how was your vacation?" Penelope smiled explaining how sweet it was to help with Henry's Christmas morning, while JJ gratefully thanked the woman again. Rossi entered the room, instructing that Garcia be ready to begin in four minutes.

"Sir, not everyone is here." She spoke, causing the three others to notice the three other team members missing, Spencer being one of them.

"They will be." Just after the eldest had spoken, Emily and Spencer came walking in, Hotch behind the two. Spencer was bitterly arguing with Emily about something, something that rarely occurred, followed by a sharp direction to begin the briefing. The case was about abducted young children, four within the past week, seemingly odd considering they all went to the same school. Lucy was standing up when she heard a different passing phrase from their leader.

"Blake will meet you in Philly, wheels up in 30." The youngest agent looked to her friends before following her boss out the door.

"Sir, what do you mean by Blake? Who is Blake?" Before Hotch could answer, Spencer had a hold of Lucy's wrist, walking her to the hallway outside of the bullpen, meeting face to face, making Lucy grow tired. "Spencer what the hell is going on? Why were you and Emily with Hotch? Are they making cuts? You can't lose your job you love this job. I'll resign if it means you keep your job-"

"Lucielle." Spencer stopped the woman's ramblings, moving to get her to look him in the eye. "He wants to send Emily and I to London for an undercover case." He spoke seriously, Lucy freezing in place.

"W-What? You can't... you can't leave. I-I need you here." At her words her hands wound up rubbing a small circle on her stomach. "H-How long?"

"Three months. I was supposed to go for a year but I was able to get the rest off due to family leave." He spoke, taking a hand off her body, holding onto it tightly. "I leave as soon as we get back." His words were softer this time, bringing her closer to him so his arms were around her. "I'm sorry."

"You can't leave Spencer, what if something happens? At this rate there's a high possibility of that happening. I-I don't know what I'm doing, I need you here to do this." She mumbled into his shoulder, almost vibrating from shaking so much.

"If something happens I'll try to get home as fast as I can. But they need me over there." He spoke running a hand over her hair, kissing her forehead. "I don't want to leave as much as you don't want me to go." He whispered, pulling away and pushing hair out of her face. "I'll be okay. And so will you. Morgan's here as well as Hotch and Rossi. If anything happens they'll have your back. And from what I know about Blake she'll help you too." He comforted, though she shook her head.

"This is so much to take in..." she muttered, standing upright and seeing their team beginning to head towards them. "I-I have to go get my go-bag." She muttered, dashing into the bullpen, leaving Spencer in the lobby.

The two found themselves next to each other on the plane, though Lucy seemingly focused on the case, ignoring the fact the other was leaving as soon as they returned. As they landed the team swiftly moved off the plane, Spencer grabbing the woman's bag, even then not getting a word out of her. When their feet reached pavement, Spencer grabbed her hand. "Lucy, you can't keep ignoring me."

She stopped and looked at him. "How am I not permitted? Because from what I know, that's what you're going to do as soon as that plane takes off." She whispered. "And don't try to say you won't because when I was back in Quantico after the Russell case you didn't even bother texting me. And that brief period when I wasn't working? The only person I heard from was Rossi, and I'm not looking to be his fourth wife." She scoffed, beginning to walk towards the SUVs again.

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