Caesar's Palace

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Morgan and Spencer returned to the station approaching Hotchner as he spoke with an officer. Once he was finished, the two began their discoveries.

"The unsub is taking poker chips from the victims." Morgan stated simply.

"That doesn't explain why he kills them though."

"Caesar himself rose up to great power through the battling of Gaul, bringing him to power. Once there, Caesar gained quite a lot of wealth. Our unsub may believe the same could happen to him, or at least he thinks that's what he's doing. Battling the women to gain power and fortune." Reid explained, Aaron questioning him again.

"And the angel wings?"

"There is a row of angels blaring trumpets at the Palace. Six of them to be exact. Our unsub could be making these women those six angels, thus the wings. And the reason he hasn't posed the bodies is because religiously angels are considered human, so this guy may think these women are angels trapped in human bodies because of their ability to gain a fortune. And then he takes it from them. Your possibilities are endless here. All I can gather is that he's fairly organized when it comes to tracking and murdering these women, but as for disposal, it's very poor. He left two witnesses." Spencer went on before taking a breath. "By the way, is Lucy here?" He asked quietly.

"Yes. Officer James had her out in the field and she fainted. He took her to the ER, it turns out she was dehydrated. She's been stocked with Gatorade and water in the conference room. I won't be letting her return to the field until a doctor approves." He explained, Spencer's brows furrowing.

"And you didn't bother to call me?" He snapped, jogging to the room to see Lucy scribbling words down only to aggressively scratch it all out. "Scribbling isn't effective when it comes to covering up words. Writing new words over it distorts the brain from being able to catch onto anything that would cognitively respond as a valid sentence." He spoke, Lucy looking up at him as he spoke.

"Like I care." She muttered, causing Spencer to frown.

"What's the matter? You've been like this since we left this morning." He asked, sitting down as another wave of concern surrounded him.

"I-I just feel like I can't concentrate long enough right now. The mix of nausea, dehydration, and work just isn't pleasant. And I had a lead before I fainted and now I don't and I can't find it and-"

"Frustration is natural. And so is the inability to think properly. It lasts throughout the first trimester and sometimes even into the second. So don't panic. You've got an entire group of people willing to help you out. Did you ask Officer James what he could recall?" Spencer asked gingerly before she shook her head.

"He's off duty and with his family I didn't wanna bother him." She mumbled, throwing her notepad in the table and pulling on her hair.

"Hey, Luce, chill out." Spencer spoke, moving to sit beside her, rubbing her back. The two sat in silence for a few moments before Andrews spoke up.

"Don't you dare profile me, Spencer." She grumbled.

"Too late. This is about my mom, isn't it." His words should've been a question, but he was so sure of them that he didn't need her to give an answer.

"I- Spencer what if she hates me. She can't hate me we're having a kid - god she'll be a grandmother to my child and I'm scared that's gonna make her hate them because they're my kin. I don't want that. I truly don't. Hell what if she completely forgets I'm your girlfriend and thinks I'm a student and snaps at me for trying to show affection to you? I- I'm just so emotionally unprepared and I don't know if now is the right time." Lucy was rambling, and Spencer had sighed. All of her points were valid- but fortunately for her, Spencer had been writing to his mother after meeting her. She knew everything about her. The doctor wasn't going to let his mother forget this woman he cared so deeply for. The only thing she didn't know was that her baby was having a baby. That was something Spencer didn't think she was ready for.

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