Pretty Boy

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Spencer didn't remember much of what had happened. But what he did know was that his head was throbbing. Was this a migraine? No, no it couldn't have been. This pain was centralized, not pulsing through the entirety of his head. He sat up, finding his arm chained to the wall beside him in what looked to be his own handcuffs. Looking around he seemed to be in a bedroom. He laid back, running a hand through his hair with his free hand. Groaning, he heard the door open, and a woman came in.

"Oh hey, you're awake." She smiled, carrying what seemed to be a tray of food.

"What happened?" He asked sitting up again, hissing as his head spun again.

"You don't recall? I hit you with a frying pan, remember? After all with that eidetic brain of yours I expected you to have the make and model practically etched into your head." The woman was heavier, curves that accentuated her waist. His eyebrows furrowed, looking at her.

"How did you know that?"

"Because I'm like you, Spencer. I know everything. I know that your co-worker was shot in the chest in front of her own apartment building, I know that hunk of a man you call your best friend was sexually molested as a child. I know that Emily was a bitch and faked her death to keep her life less hectic despite it ruining your mental health for a while. And JJ's sister? Oh do I know about her too. Pathetic little thing. Maybe that's why Jennifer turned out so weak." The blonde sat the tray down on the mattress, crossing her arms as she continued. "I know that Aaron has had quite the relationship trauma but Beth has helped out hasn't she? And Rossi, him and his ex-wife were so sweet. It's a shame she decided to kill herself like a weak woman. She could've fought that battle just fine."

"How do you know all this?" Spencer was slightly horrified, as many of the things that were relaying from her mouth were personal, things that would only be found in files like Aaron's.

"I already told you. Because I'm like you." She whispered, standing upright. "Oh, Dr. Reid it seems I've forgotten an agent or two haven't I? Well there's you and your drug addiction, your mother, your ignorant father, your headaches..." she went off, turning to a desk in the corner of the room, picking up a paper from it. It had been folded, and crumpled as well, and she looked at it with a wide smirk. "Today's her first day isn't it? Or at least it was." She commented, looking out the window at the pitch black surroundings. "She have a good one?"

"Leave Lucy alone." Spencer growled, knowing that this woman was trying to get into his skin.

"Oh Spencer, I would never hurt Dr. Andrews. After all, I couldn't bear to hurt a child." She smirked setting the paper in Spencer's lap, letting him see what she did. On it was Lucielle's blood test from four days before.

"How did you get this?!? What do you want from me?? You know they're able to solve this case without me, right?" Reid was beginning to panic. She knew that Lucy was pregnant. Which meant she knew that it was Spencer's child. And she would use that against him as long as she possibly could.

"I want a story out of this. Thanks to your pesky little team, my original story got pulled off the front page. You of all people should know that no one reads the newspaper anymore. It's all electronic nowadays. It had been my first story in months. It was good too. Three seemingly prosperous men, leaving everything they had for the misery that death is. None of them deserved their success." Spencer knew who was standing in front of him now, and it was clearer than the moonlight shining in through the window.

"Rachel you don't have to kill people to get a story on the front page-"

"Yes I do! This damned town doesn't know what's coming to them! It's bringing people to the brink of suicide, and they want answers. I want to give those answers but no one will listen to me. Maybe once it's out that an agent has gone missing that they'll see the truth about this hell they're living in." At this, Rachel slammed the door behind her, leaving Spencer alone with a cold sandwich and soda.

A Quarter to QuanticoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora