Aspen, Colorado

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When Deputy Richards finally let up, and admitted that his step-son had been recording the fires for him, the team was set to go home. They regrouped in Quantico and continued the many work hours for weeks. June was just about to wrap up when Strauss decided to let the team have their vacations. The five of them that didn't have any engagements or family to entertain themselves packed up and headed out west to hit the slopes. Considering that Spencer had a fear of open water, he went with the latter of getting stuck on a ski lift instead. He knew the statistics, and he was much more comfortable with the known than the unknown. Except for the fact that Reid had no experience skiing.

"Reid, the lodge still is an option if you're not up for this." Emily stated, standing on the bunny hill with the rest of the team, minus Garcia who had found comfort in the lodge with hot chocolate and a good book.

"No, no it's fine. I want to be out here with you guys anyways." He stated, clinging to the poles in his hand after successfully getting his feet into the bindings - with the help of Lucy.

"I've got him guys. Take a few runs." She spoke, standing upright and looking at the male who was more than terrified.

"You sure about this pretty boy?" Morgan asked, dropping his own skis down and strapping them on.

"Not really, but I'm going to go with yes." He stated, causing the other three to laugh. Emily and Morgan went off, having a few years of experience compared to the youngest male. "So, Luce, when did you learn to ski?" He asked as she pulled him to the conveyor belt.

"Shortly after ending up in my aunt and uncle's custody." She stated pushing him onto the belt, and then following with herself. "Been skiing since. So I was fourteen, so about what, ten years?" She asked looking at him.

"Actually if you started skiing the winter after you where transferred, and the snow was cooperating, you would have been skiing for approximentally, 112 months, so 9.34 years." Spencer spoke, doing the math.

"I rounded." She joked, causing him to bob his head in approval.

"Then you were right in that instance." He smiled back at her, finding himself sliding off the ramp.

"Spencer point your feet inward." She instructed, causing him to slow to a stop. "That's called a snow plow."

"Why? It resembles nothing close to a snow plow." He questioned, causing Lucy to hang her head.

"Spencer, don't take everything in this sport literal, please you will ruin it for me." She laughed, coming to his side, moving faster than Spencer's eyes could follow her. Before he knew it she was moving backwards, telling Spencer to let his feet straighten out.

"I can't do this. Nope. I'm gonna fall on my face if I move any further." Lucielle stopped and bit her lip.

"Spence. It's physics."


"Skiing is physics. This hill has maybe a 5-15° angle. How much do you weigh?"

"180 pounds. I don't understand how that-"

"Add eight pounds to that with your skis, so that's what 188 pounds? So, you tell me boy genius. How much force do you need to stop yourself if you're moving at a velocity you feel is too fast? Then take that number, and figure out how you can apply it."

"I can't just suddenly stop my feet, the rest of my body would keep moving. You studied Newton's laws, didn't you?"

"Yep. So I know that an object in motion will stay in motion unless acted upon by an equal and opposite force. But for you, if you do that, your body weight will cause you to fall forward down the hill. So, how do you slow down?" She asked, planting her poles in the snow, and crossing her arms. Spencer stood in concentration before looking at her.

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