Missoula, Montana

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As they grew closer to Missoula, Hotch handed the only brunette in the plane a leather wallet looking thing. "What's this?" Lucy asked, taking it and flipping it open, only to find her answer.

"Your credentials. I know you haven't finished filing your papers, but you left them back here on the table, so I sent what you did have done to Garcia, and she worked her magic to keep you out of questioning."

"Questioning??" The girl stood up, clearly about to panic.

"Not our type of questioning, Lucielle. He means from Montana authorities. Like why you're here with a bunch of agents with a case in the federal government. Having the badge will make your life easier." Spencer spoke up, looking up from his book. He seemed to be almost finished with it, despite the fact Lucy could've sworn he'd only started it. With a nod, she sat back down, looking at the item in her hand in great detail. JJ stood up as the captain informed them that they were twenty minutes from landing.

"Okay, so we'll be meeting with the Deputy of the University, Officer Gerald Luenski. He'll be giving us access to the boys' dorms as well as Nancy and Samuel Obring which were the other set of twins missing that Hotchner previously mentioned." She explained.

"Wait you mean Samuel, as in a guy?" Spencer questioned.

"Yes. Nancy and Samuel both went missing, but were fraternal twins." She nodded, causing Lucy to perk up.

"That doesn't fit with the other victims. The other twins were identical."

"Maybe the unsub had no idea what kind of victims he was looking for? They were the first set to go missing." Spencer offered.

"But why? What made him change to identical twins of the same sex?" Hotchner piped in his thoughts, leaving the rest of them wondering.

"When we land, JJ and I will go to the security station at the university, Reid and Andrews, you go check out the dorms and ask the former roommates of the Obrig twins." Lucy nodded, looking at Spencer with a small smile. He offered one in return, one she hadn't actually seen since he'd been acting off since she arrived.

Stepping on the tar mat in the middle of May in the west was like stepping into a sauna fully clothed. The heat radiated up onto the four of them as they made their way to the SUVs waiting for them as well as the officer JJ had mentioned. "Officer Luenski. SSA Aaron Hotchner. This is part of my team, SSA Jennifer Jareau, Dr. Spencer Reid and Agent Lucielle Andrews." Lucy looked at the eldest male there with surprise. Agent. That would take some getting used to.

"Thanks for coming out. We knew something was up when we realized that we've got two other sets of twins missing from the area." He stated walking in the direction of the vehicles.

"Did you know any of the twins at all?" Lucy questioned, climbing into the car with everyone else, buckling. She found herself in the middle of JJ and Reid, and extremely uncomfortable despite her small frame.

"Sorry." Came from her right.

"It's okay Spencer." She whispered, before waiting on an answer.

"I knew the last two boys. Frankie and John. Frankie was a quiet kid, kept to himself. Always stuck to his brother's side. John was the complete opposite. Very outgoing, included everyone, wasn't about excluding anyone in the university."

"Because his brother had been excluded at some point in their life. He feels as though no one deserves that sort of expulsion from a group like his brother faced." Spencer stepped into the conversation. "Studies show that many twins feel a certain need to protect the other twin, even if the twins aren't on the best of terms. They see a lot of themselves in their twin - which makes sense especially in identical cases - and they feel compelled to step in." Lucy giggled, as the male rambled on, about to start another statement, only to be cut off.

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