Bullpen Antics

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The Kentucky case wrapped up soon enough, and Lucy was discharged as soon as everyone was back in Virginia. She would be on crutches for a while because of her knee injury, and Spencer wouldn't let her do anything that involved going out of her way to do something. When Emily walked into the office, seeing Lucy holding her head at her desk, she looked around and saw Spencer fixing two cups of coffee instead of one. She snickered, knowing exactly what he was doing.

"Spencer when you had your injury, you wouldn't let anyone help you. Why don't you let Lucy have that, why don't you?" She asked with a laugh, taking Lucy's mug and walking it to her desk. Lucy took it from Emily with a small thank you.

"Because my injury was different. Mine was muscle that was healing. Hers required full on reconstructive knee surgery, plates and pins. In fact, the doctor told me that her entire patella was practically like a jigsaw puzzle." He laughed as he sat at his desk, both of the girls looking at him with a strange look. Emily then looked to Lucy.

"And this is the life you've chosen." She teased, causing them both to laugh as Morgan came into the office.

"Pretty girl! Oh is it refreshing to see your face." He commented, standing in the middle of the room, smiling widely. Lucy giggled, shaking her head.

"Hi, Morgan. How are you?" She asked politely, the darker male sitting in Emily's desk chair.

"Exhausted. But that's expected with this job. So I guess that means I'm okay. How 'bout you? You settling into those crutches?" He asked causing her to groan.

"These things actually suck. My armpits hurt so much. Even worse is I have those stairs in my apartment so it takes me like fifteen minutes just to get to my room." Emily nodded, knowing what she spoke of. At this Spencer spoke up.

"There's stairs in your apartment?" He asked surprised.

"Yeah. Why?" She asked confused.

"Wait, Spencer you haven't been to her place yet?" Emily asked surprised.

"No, I haven't. She's been to mine plenty of times, but I haven't had the pleasure of being at hers." He explained, Lucy now not paying attention to the conversation at hand, more than intentionally. Her apartment was still pretty much packed up from when she originally moved in, the only boxes that had been opened being her eating supplies, her clothes, bedding and her bathroom things. Now that she wasn't physically able to unpack it would be a while before she was actually unpacked. Emily looked at the girl, trying to instill guilt in her.

"We've been busy." She shrugged, knowing Emily would get it. Lucy got up, making her way to the ladies room, only for Derek to get up and make his way to his office. Spencer looked at Emily in confusion as the group dispersed.

"Her apartment is still packed up from when she first moved in." She revealed, grabbing a file of papers and a pen.

"Seriously? Why hasn't she gotten help?"

"I was over the other day before her incident and we unpacked some stuff but we ended up drinking for the rest of the night. She doesn't have the motivation to do it, especially when she doesn't plan on having anyone over." She shrugged.

"Guess she doesn't plan on having me over then." He mumbled, looking at his own papers. Emily looked up at him, her jaw slacking slowly.

"Spence that's not-"

"No, no, I get it. This job is time consuming so she doesn't want to stress having a clean apartment. It's understandable." He nodded. "She just didn't seem like the 'living out of moving boxes' type." He offered, only to be greeted with Garcia running straight for Lucy's desk. Frowning when she saw it was empty.

A Quarter to Quanticoजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें