Santa Fe, New Mexico

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Without hesitation, Spencer set Garcia up with cultivating a list of residences and addresses that any homicides, sexual abuse, domestic assault charges that had happened or been reported.

"These might be places that bad things have happened in the unsub's neighborhood."

"How are you making this connection my love?" Penelope asked, typing away as she looked up what he'd requested.

"Because. We're gonna be heading out to Lucy's childhood home. It was one of the fires before the community buildings." He whispered, not wanting the girl behind him to hear him. Meanwhile she was gathering her things, which included her sanity.

"Jesus, this job is not making things easy on her is it?" The woman mumbled on the other side of the phone. "Okay, so a good portion of the fires that we have recorded have had some sort of happening. School dances, robberies, kills, rape, spousal abuse. The weird thing is, many of the criminal charges have been taken care of."

"What do you mean?" Spencer asked oddly confused.

"Example, a residential house that had an abusive spouse, the husband was arrested for endangerment of three children and the physical, mental, and sexual assault of his wife. A meth lab in an old abandoned car garage, cracked almost four years ago. The police have investigated and taken care of all of these issues."

"They're reminders. He's purifying the area. Any bad place in his record book he needs to take care of.  Thanks Garcia."

"A pleasure my genius."

"Hey, Pen?" He voiced before she hung up.


"Send me that list would you? It could be a good reference later." He requested.

"Already done, my prince." She spoke as though she were smiling and Reid chuckled.

"Of course. Thanks again." He hung up before turning to Lucy.

"All these fires have been happening in the focal points of crime in this town. He's purifying it." Spencer explained as he grabbed his bag.

"Wait but how does he know the addresses then? I know for a fact the local newspaper doesn't give out addresses, just neighborhoods." Lucy stated, a little frazzled now.

"I'm not sure. But we can ponder on it." He offered before showing the way to the car.

Morgan and Prentiss had just arrived to the last scene when they were greeted with the fire chief. Entering the building, Emily sighed.

"I can't imagine how you set a community center on fire knowing there was a preschool on the third floor." She shook her head, looking to the sky, where the roof had once been in the large gymnasium area.

"Thankfully it was a Sunday when the fire happened. School wasn't in session." Derek mumbled.

"It was fueled by gasoline soaked charcoal. Does that make any sense to you?" Emily asked.

"If I'm the unsub... I come over here, and drop the charcoal by the door. I make a trail into the supply closet, hitting paper towels, toilet paper, and probably a hell lot of flammable substances." He started. "Then I throw the rest of the charcoal in the middle of the gym. What was here that made me so pissed off?" He asked, looking around as Emily was doing.

"Basketball hoops on both sides of the gym. And he puts it in the center of the entire room." She mumbled before speaking up. "Derek. What if it was a high school dance?"


"If the school didn't have a place to hold the dance for cheap, they probably would've come here. Disco ball would've been right about where he started the fire." She explained. "He could've been rejected." She offered.

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