University of Miami Hospital

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Spencer and Morgan had barely found out of Lucy had to stay the night before they were called back out to the field. Spencer told Morgan he would meet him outside, walking to a semi-conscious Lucy. She took Spencer's hand when he came close enough, and she sighed.

"Spence, I-"

"No, you need to keep your energy, okay?" He whispered, kissing the girl's hand.

"No, Spencer. The guy who made my coffee. He took way too long." She mumbled, looking at him, causing Reid's face to falter.

"What do you mean?" He asked gingerly, brushing the girl's longer bangs out of her face.

"It takes 1 and a half minutes to fix my coffee the way I like it. I stood waiting for seven." Lucy stated, looking at the older male.

"I-I don't get what you're saying, Luce."

"He slipped something into my coffee." She mumbled, only to close her eyes in evident pain. "Go find him. Please." With a nod, he carefully kissed the girl's head before walking out to the car.

"What's the matter?" Morgan asked, Spencer's face showing much confusion.

"Lucy said the barista who made her coffee slipped something into it." He responded, looking at Morgan.

"Reid, she was probably joking. After all she's not feeling well, probably wanted to lift spirits. She knows how serious we're taking it and-"

"No. Morgan what if she's right? What if someone slipped things that would make her sick into her coffee-"

"Kid. Do you hear yourself? You know the things that would make her sick. She's probably just exhausted. We've had five cases back to back without a night to herself. Her body's tired. She doesn't have enough symptoms for it to be life threatening." Morgan straightened Spencer out, the younger one nodding softly. "Look, we know you care about her, and we're happy you guys found someone to balance each of your smarts out, but you can't overthink it." They found their way to the dump site. When they were finished, the group was suddenly getting hounded with media as they returned to the station.

"Do we have a profile yet?" Hotch asked, looking at Spencer. He had been reading the files that Garcia had accessed, to see if she had missed anything.

"Hotch, we don't know how he's finding these women. The fact they all share the same symptoms down to light sensitivity is shocking. So I don't think that this is by coincidence. I think he's poisoning them." Spencer stated, looking up from his seat.

"So now we find out how he's getting this virus to these women?" Emily offered, only for Spencer's eyes to widen.

"Did we get the results back from Lucy's coffee cup?" He asked, standing up to go and find out, moving rapidly. Morgan watched as he disappeared, turning back to the group.

"This guy is trying to cope by taking these women. He's saving them."

"Trying to." Emily piped in. "The autopsies showed that whatever illness they had was what killed them.  But he feels like he's the one in control here if he poisoned them. He has the cure for it, but he's not giving it to these women if they don't fulfill the fantasy. Which that makes sense, but why would you re-create your girlfriend dying? Knowing that you could've saved her but you didn't?"

"So he doesn't lay a hand on them, is caring for these women, acting as their nurse as if they were in a hospital..." Rossi stated. "Do we think he's recreated the surrounding to fit the circumstance? Because then he can claim that they had only dreamed that they left the hospital. If he had the equipment they wouldn't try to leave."

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