Chapter Ten

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Ana sits on her bed. Sleep? not going to happen. She keeps rereading the letter She got just a day ago.

Dear Ana,

I'm writing this letter to let you know I'm building an army. Some of your pack members are standing with me.
I'm not coming for you, oh no, you took everything from me. So I'm gonna take everything from you..........That precious mate of yours.
~ Matt

Tears run down her cheeks. How can someone I used to love become so.....cruel. She thought, I don't know what to do. Chase is already stressed enough, along with everyone else. Ana knew she couldn't put this on them too. She would have to deal with it on her own

Meanwhile in Alpha Zack's office. I don't understand I've been over everything.
Where could he be? Chase thought.
"Ugh!" She groaned. It's been two weeks since Matt has escaped. There's been no luck finding him. They know he's close because pack members have been going missing.

He's smart and strong, but he will get nowhere near Anastasia, Chase thought

Anastasia, she's been closed off.
They've been going to school as normal.
Chase try's and try's to get her to go out or something, but she'll always say she just wants to focus on school.

That saddens her and her wolf.
Chases pack has been staying with the Blood Moon Pack. Everyone's in bed of course being it's three am. She can't sleep, She may never sleep. Not until she finds that bastard.

She's interrupted from her work when someone knocks on the door. "Come in." She yelled. Randy one of the guards opens the door and walks in with a package.
"I'm sorry to disturb you Alpha Chase, but this package found at the gates is addressed to you." He tells her.

"It's quit alright, thank you." She said as she grabbed the package. Once he leaves Chase gets some scissors and cuts open the package. What she sees shocks and scares her to no end.

The head of her dead brother.....

Chase backed away from the package in shock, hitting the book self behind the desk. Tears started to flow down her face. She had no idea what to do.

Chase's brother was fives years older then her. When she was just a sweet fourteen year old going to school and hanging out with friends her brother was doing everything wrong with his life. She barley saw him and that scared her because she always knew that one day he wouldn't come home.

It was 1:45am on November, 3, 2045 Chase laid awake waiting for her brother. His name was Jacob.


Jacob had left at 11:00pm and he should have been home already she thought. She eventually fell asleep at around 2:30am. Chase woke up at 10am. She walked down stairs to see her mom crying and her dad holding her. They were talking to Alpha Leo and beta Ben of her old pack.

Ben noticed her and walked over to her.
As much as he hated to he told her that they found her brother, dead.
She was heart broken. She cried as beta Ben held her. She never found out what exactly happened to her brother. Nobody would talk about him.
It's like he never existed.

When Chase finally comes out of her shock. She yells for the guards outside they run in and run for the Alpha's.
When her dad and Alpha Zack run in shocked at what they find. Alpha Jack goes to his daughter and holds her as she sobs. Trying his best to ignore what he's seen in the box.
Alpha Zack, also try's to ignore what's in the box as he takes the letter that's taped on the side.

Dear Chase,

I was so heartbroken when I found out the story of your brother. It's so sad and you were so young. No one should go through that. I thought you might enjoy this gift of seeing him again >:)
Also, watch your back you have no idea what I'm capable of.

Alpha Zack looked at Alpha Jack and Chase.

"This is your son?" He asked in a whisper.

"Yes." Alpha Jack replied.

"It's from Matt." Alpha Zack tells him.

Chase sobs harder as her father holds her as if she'd disappear. With his jaw clinched he says,
"This means war."

Alpha Zack nods, but before he can say anything his wife bursts through in panic.

"I can't find Anastasia!" She said.

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