Chapter Nine

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Anastasia and her father Alpha Zack stare at Beta John in shock.
"What do you mean he escaped." Anastasia whispered.
"We- we didn't mean for it to happen, there were three of us, but he's a beta so he got through us." He continues, "more fighters are going after him, I came back here to tell you."
He said out of breath.

Tears start to fall from Anastasia's eyes.
She's going into shock. She can't hear anything around her. Not even her fathers powerful commands.

Alpha Zack is on his way out the door to find Matt when he notices Anastasia's state. He calls for his wife and Chase. When they arrive he runs out of the house and into the woods.

Luna Rose runs to the kitchen to get a wet rang while Chase try's to bring Anastasia back to them. The Luna comes back into the room. They lie her down on the office couch then drape the rag over her forehead.

In Anastasia's mind everything is going in slow motion. She can't ear. She can't talk. She can't breath. As it all goes black she hears Chase.

"I love you."

Meanwhile in the woods Alpha Zack, Beta John, and other pack members search for Matt.

So far no luck.

"It's like he vanished." John said.

"People around here know him as a friend, a brother, or even a protector." The Alpha spat. "He probably lied his way out." He continued.

They search for hours upon hours.

Sadly still no luck.

"Alright men, let's all go back to the pack house and think of a new strategy." Alpha Zack shouts.

They all make it back to the pack house and into the office. Anastasia has finally awoken. "Mom! Chase!" She yells.
Rose and Chase run into the room with food and water.
"How do you feel sweetie?" Her mom questioned as Chase sits beside her on the bed.
"I don't know." She replied honestly then drinking some of the water. "How long was I out?" She's asked.
"More then a few hours." Chase answered.
"Wait, Chase what about your pack?" Anastasia questioned.
"Don't worry I called them they're fine, they know what's going on and they understand." She said. "They have agreed to help." Chase continued.
"Thank you." Anastasia said giving her a small kiss. "I also called Nicole, she had been trying to get a hold of you, she knows now what's been going on." She tells her.
"Oh my god I'm a horrible best friend." She said. "No you're not, a lot has been going on." Chase said. "It's not your fault."
Instead of saying anything Anastasia snuggles into Chase's chest hoping to go back to sleep.

Hoping for a better tomorrow.

"I won't let him get you." Chase whispered. "I'll protect you with everything in me."

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