scared by jimin ...

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*as soon as Jimin said you can't keep running away from me u got a shivers down  your spine 
you stopped for a second and started to think what would he do to you if he catches you alone*

*You didn't see daehyun come because you were too focused on thinking *

Dae: what's wrong? What are you thinking so much... You look a little scared

You: it's nothing don't worry

Dae: okay?

*Both of you walk to the park and watch the sunset *

Dae: hey I wanna do something for all of us

You: by us you mean who exactly?

Dae: you me ..Jimin maybe you in and V

You: sure I'll tell them I'm sure they won't say no

Dae: great how about... Friday  before sunset..  here

You: okay

You lay down on the grass and look at the sky

You: it's so blue and looks so peaceful...

*Dae noticed you were trying to get your mind out of something but you didn't wanna say anything so he just played along*

Dae: yeah it is

*Both of you stood quiet for a few minutes just staring at the sky
You suddenly received a call  from jimins phone*

*Call *

Jimin's phone: hey y/n it's Yoongi

You: oh hey what's wrong did something happens to Jimin?

Yoongi: no...more like what's gonna happen to you...

You: what do you mean?

Yoongi: he saw you with dae just a few minutes ago at the park he's kinda mad ...well more like jealous *laughs *

You: he won't hurt me

Yoongi: I know he won't but that's not what I'm worried about just be careful and spend some time with you bf, okay you don't spend time with him you're usually running away from him or with dae

You: ik and I'm sorry I'll go to the house right now

Yoongi: okay be careful I'll be close to the house if you need anything scream or send something to my phone okay

You: Okey I have to go Jimin needs me don't go to the house I'll be fine okay

Dae: okay? ...wait did something happen?

You: I don't know yet ...I have to go see you tomorrow or Friday idk

Dae: I'll  to take u home 

You: no I'll run I need the adrenaline

*You get up and hugged him goodbye and started to run to the house *

8 min later

*You walked into the house and the first thing you saw was Jimin's serious face *

*You were kinda scared he had never been so damn Serious You start asking yourself what's he gonna do and get more scared

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

*You were kinda scared he had never been so damn Serious
You start asking yourself what's he gonna do and get more scared

*You walk 2 steps while looking at the floor you suddenly feel that Jimin is looking at you *

Jimin: sit down

*You obeyed and sit down *
*Gosh you were so scared u didn't even say a word *

Jimin: it's 5:30 pm which means I get to have you for the rest of the night and tomorrow you and I are going out I'm tired of not being out with you not even on lunch

*You look at him and he's just looking at you *

You: can u like amm stop looking at me with that face

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

You: can u like amm stop looking at me with that face ...

Jimin: why?

You: it's umm..a little scary ..I can take it from yoongi, not from you ...

Jimin: I'm sorry ...

You: umm... I know you saw me with day and I promise you I won't spend a lot of time with him ...if that's what you want

Jimin: you would really do that?

You: but you need to understand he's my best friend since childhood and he won't hurt me nor take me away from you he knows you important to me!

Jimin: important I'm what way tho? *He gives you a little smirk *
*You noticed what he was doing and it kinda kills you *

You :...stop *laughs *

Jimin: cmon do I have to? He smirked and got close to you

You: umm ....y...yes

Jimin: okay 

*He got close to you both faces 2 3 inches apart from each other he gets close to you and you move every time to not be so close to him you were so focused on his eyes and his lips that you didn't notice your back had mowers else to go and now Jimin was on top of you *

Jimin: do you really want me to stop? *He whispered *

*You got shivers*

You: ....n..y.yes

Jimin: why? He whispered

You: because ...your...being scary ....*you look up he's shoulder *

*Jimin moves he's head to the shower you were looking at *



You know I'm even curious of what's gonna happen next here tbh  😂 it's interesting Even for me 😂

Sorry I know I haven't posted a lot lately school started and that's gonna be a pain ugh anyways I'll stay up a little later just to write and I'll post them morning or afternoon hopefully 😂

If you have any questions or want me to add a new member of any band please comment

If you have any personal questions for me don't be shy and ask

Next part will come a little late still need to edit it 

Hope you guys like it BYEBYE 💖💯

Jimin The Jealous Boyfriend Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang