Its Time

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Jimin: babe I lied jin didn't get anyone pregnant the person we are talking about is you I didn't know how to tell you because I was scared and I'm still scared. But the doctor said he you stay in bed and don't make a lot of movement and what healthy you ad the baby can live and that's all I want I didn't want to scare you and then you'll have difficulty I'm sorry that's why I've been working extra hard for these past 2 months Then jin called and I had to tell him everything he came to help and Hobie overheard and came too and since his sister has already had kids and she cares about you she also joined

You: babe I know you did it to protect me and the baby but lying to me wasn't right I didn't know what was going on I could've not listened and hurt the baby or myself I thank everyone for everything and from now on I'm going to be extra careful but I can't stay in bed all day I need to move a few times I'll be okay plus we have Meji here she's going to be with me while you boys are out right Meji
Meji: Correct That's what I'm here for
* it been 7 months since you've been told that you and the baby had complications Jimin has been taking good care of you and Jin, Hobie has been taking care of the house of the groceries while Meji is taking care of doctor appointments and little workouts for me to stretch, honestly you feel like a queen you feel relaxed and calm which is exactly how you should feel considering your condition. it's so hard not to do anything but write and lay in bed with as little movement as possible all you cant do is move and help with things you should be doing at the house you keep asking yourself what if he has to chose who would he pick. * you try to get out the bed and stretch when suddenly your water breaks *

You: JI-JIMIN!! * you hold yourself to the edge of the bed waiting on him to get to you; Jimin runs upstairs as fast as he can as Hobie follows him*
Jimin: Babe are you Ok- he looks at the floor and sees water going down your leg * don't tell me, okay okay * he slowly picks you up and starts heading downstairs * Hobie grab the bag, Jin you drive, Meji call the hospital to tell them she's coming well meet you there

* he walks outside and puts you in the back seat as jin gets in the front to drive he stays in the back with you holding you and helping you breathe. Jin starts driving at a massive speed just like your running away from the cops in a fast and furious while Jimin is holding your hand and wiping away your sweat with his shirt and rubbing your stomach *

Jimin: you got this babe just breathe when we get to the hospital you can push all you want, you got this, my love. * his words are comforting you and distracting you from the pain*
Jin drive faster

* you're starting to feel light-headed and you pass out Jimin got so scared that he started to scream at jin to hurry up a few minutes later you get to the hospital Jimin and jin took you out of the car as the nurses were waiting for you at the entrance, Jimin goes with the nurses to the room as the nurses started to try and see if you react if you didn't a C section would have to be done; you didn't wake up Jimin was always by your side and he was kissing your head and looking at your heartbeat on the machine praying to go he didn't have to choose between you and the baby, the nurses finally take out the baby and tell Jimin those words that he'll never forget 'Its a Boy' as they cut the umbilical cord and start getting ready to stitch you up the doctors notice another womb *

Doctor: it's not over yet! * the doctor starts taking the second baby out of the womb surprised from what he knew it was only one baby. The second baby cried and Jimin is in shock* its a girl!

Jimin whispers in your ear
Jimin: Y/N your dream came true we have twins * he smiles and kisses your head * doctor make sure those babies and my wife are okay and nothing happens to them.
doctor: we are trying our best now please may you step out with the nurses for name picking and medical resources

*Jimin goes outside with the nurses and sees cha and everyone *

Jimin: soo it's twins!!
Jin: congrats
Hobie: Guaatt
kookie: OH MY GAWD
RM: dude twins that are more than expected is she okay tho?
V: is Y/N okay? Are the babies okay?

Jimin: yea everyone is fine they are stitching her up and she's good I'm happy nothing happened I've been so scared
cha: if anything would've happened to her I would've killed you!
Meji: Cha! It is not the time! Shut up!

*Jimin looks at cha *

Jimin: listen cha I don't know what your problem but leave before we start something because if I'm not able to see my kids or my wife because of you you don't want to know what ill do.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2021 ⏰

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