Start from the beginning

'That's a Deathstalker.. '

Lavender grunted slightly to confirm

'Haven't seen these guys since the good old days!'

Lavender proceeded to run faster towards Reyah, leaving the beast eating dust.

Lavender now only a few feat away from Reyah, Jumped up into the air towards her; "You ready!?" Lavender yelled as he descended from the sky.
Reyah smiled and flipped a switch on her shield, "Been waiting for this since day one!"
The rims on the shield then began to glow a bright orange and quickly switched to a dark ocean blue, She then aimed at Lavender and flipped the switch once more, throwing the shield at him with all the force she could muster. The cover flew towards Lavender with incredible speed, now seeing that Reyah is attempting to Kill him, Lavender quickly jumped off the shield on contact and gained a little more air and momentum.
Now charged fully, Lavender skyrocketed back towards earth and towards the enemy.

'Try not to hit the girl in red'

At the last second lavender caught a red blur whisk past him and towards the Deathstalker, Rose petals scattered across the sky as the blur swiftly landed attacks on the creature.
Shot after shot the beast shrieked in pain after a sound of a rifle being sent off from above.
"Bull's-eye!" Yelled the twin's in unison, the beast shook off the pain and ran towards Reyah in a desperate attempt to kill her before its untimely
"You're not gonna kill it like that!" Lavender said as he continued to fall from the sky.
Another round of shots passed by Lavender and hit the beast once more, it screeched but was not phased.
"Boss is coming down fast, you got anything else?" Victor said to his brother while reloading his rifle.
"I have one, but I don't think he'll like it" Drake said while grabbing his weapon.
"Well get on with it!" Reyah said while quickly picking up her shield from the ground, "He's coming down fast!"
Drake then aimed the tip of his weapon at Lavender and flipped a small switch on the bottom of the handle.
The device hummed slightly for a few seconds and ceased the next few, After that brief moment Drake flipped the switch once more and swiftly swung the bat slightly; quickly dispersing a small blue colored ball.
"Batter up!" Drake yelled as he hit the ball towards the beast, Victor then aimed at the projectile and shot it, creating an explosion.
The Deathstalker stopped in its tracks, trying to find a way out of the mist.
"What did you do?" Reyah yelled as she watched it slow down, "Give it a few seconds!" Victor yelled, Drake then pointed pointed the bat at the creature and watched its legs slowly be engulfed within Ice.
"It stopped!" Reyah yelled as she aimed her shield at Lavender once more, "I'm not done yet!" Drake flipped the switch again and dispensed a red colored ball.
"Four!" Drake then hit the ball, sending it skyrocketing towards Lavender fast, Reyah then threw her shield at him as hard as she could barely making it before the ball had made its destination.
The beast had screeched angrily and broke one of it's legs out of its icey prison, It then swung it's big Stinger at Lavender but to no avail it could not reach far enough.

'Catch it!'

Lavender then grabbed the shield and put it under his shoes "Shoot it now!"
Victor then quickly aimed the ball and shot a single bullet creating an explosion that sent Lavender skyrocketing even faster towards the Deathstalker than ever before.
The beast swung it's stinger at lavender as a last attempt before impact, but missed by a hair.
All of a sudden Gunshots echoed across the forest and the Red blur had put it's weapon in front of Lavender upon impact cracking the Deathstalker's shell with a huge crack.
At that moment the beast was then electrocuted to death and the blinding light shined through the forest.

After the impact the Deathstalker had disintegrated into thin air and died.
Lavender dropped into the ground and stood up looking for the Reyah and the twin's when, in the distance the red whisk stood looking into the forest.
"Hey!" Lavender yelled as he pushed his hair back with his rough hands.
The whisk turned around, revealing that this Mystery blur was a small black haired girl in a red cloak and a battle skirt.
Her attire seems to be made up of a black and red short dress along with a rather large blood red Cape.
Lavender glanced at her for a short few seconds only to be captivated by her bright silver eyes.
"Good job!" She said while waving at him, Lavender put his right hand up and gave her a thumbs up.
"You too!" Lavender then glanced back upon impact remembering that she had put her huge weapon before they killed it.
"Where's you're weapon?" Lavender yelled, the girl then pulled out a small red looking plank and shifted into a huge Red and black Scythe.
Another screech could be heard form afar and The hooded girl looked into the forest once more and looked back.
"Hope to see you back at beacon, bye!" she then ran off into the forest with incredible speed. Reyah and the twin's re-Grouped with Lavender shortly after.
"Who was that?" Reyah said as she picked up her shield and put it on her back.
"Don't know but we'll find out soon, we still gotta a mission to do."
Lavender then put his weapon into his breast pocket and started walking and shortly stopped.
"Where's North?" He said as he turned around to look at his team.
Drake pointed towards the forest showing that there was another cliff on the other side of the opening.
" Then That's where we have to meet up, We're done." Lavender said as He started walking again.
"Idiot" Reyah whispered under her breath, "What Did you say!?" Lavender yelled as she ran past him.
At the end of the cliff , a giant ship Was perched at the edge for pick up.
There stood Ms Glynda and Professor Ozpin waiting for students to board the ship.
"Mr Munzell?" Ozpin said as he walked towards him, the sound of his shoes made a slight clicking while he Moved "Nicely done" He said after the short period of silence.
He then took a long sip of his coffee and pointed his cane at the ship.
"You're Grades will come in Shortly, Congratulations!" Ozpin said as he raised his mug above his head.
The team then walked into the ship and sat down next to each other, "Who's idea was it to send me faster towards that Deathstalker?" Lavender said as he turned and looked out the team. Reyah and Victor looked at Drake as he gulped loudly, "Meet me in the cafeteria tomorrow Night."

"Shit!" Drake said aloud, Lavender cracked a small grin and sat back in his seat.

'Such fun!'

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