Final Chapter - Forevermore

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  "Papa, please reconsider about firing Lauren."

Albert stared at her daughter, surprised.  Clara stared at her sister, even more surprised. 

Joanna looks at her father. "Lauren is so talented; it's not fair to punish her for something like this."

"You..want Lauren back in the company?" Albert asked in disbelief.

Joanna nodded. "I've never seen anyone as talented as her, dad."

Clara looked at her sister, curious.

"She's able to do the impossible, all by herself. And being so young, she has a lot more to offer." Joanna said.

Albert looked at her youngest daughter, thinking.

"I've worked with her for this whole year and I dare saying, she's the best designer I've ever met." Joanna added. "She could be emotional when it comes to her..little..girlfriend, but when it comes to work..she's amazing." 

Clara stared at her sister, speechless. She just praised Lauren like never before.

"I know Lauren has a lot of potential..but she disobeyed me and..chose that girl instead of this family." Albert said.

"Papa, Camila is someone who is too precious to Lauren. You can't make her leave her." Clara said. "Camila is..a very charming girl. You should try to get to know her." Clara added.

Albert sighed. "You don't mind she's..not like your other friend's daughter?" 

Clara smiled. "I feel sorry for their daughters. They were forced to marry the man that the family arranged them to and lived in fake happiness."

Joanna looked down, lost in her thoughts.

"Like Joanna's friend, Stacy.." Clara said.

"Let's not talk about Stacy, Clara." Joanna said, serious.

Albert looked at them, puzzled. Silence fell between them.

"Papa, please accept Lauren back." Joanna said.

Albert looked at her daughters and sighed. "I.."

Clara was in Joanna's office, staring at her sister, still surprised with what happened.

NAPKIN AND BLANKIE II (CAMREN) / COMPLETEKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat