Chapter 25 - Weak

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Vanessa's heartbeat races as she heard that familiar voice, calling her name. She gasped as she saw someone struggling in the water, her hands waving rapidly so that she'll stay afloat.


"ASHLEY!" Vanessa ran as fast as she could towards the drowning girl, pushing everything in her way.

"ASHLEY! DON'T DROWN! I'M COMING!" she shouted as she ran.

"She's drowning!" people shouted.

"ASHLEY I'M" Vanessa stopped as she reached the shore.

"I got her! I got her!" a man shouted.

Vanessa stood there, speechless. Ashley is saved. By a lifeguard. A hot lifeguard.

The lifeguard carries Ashley's weak body and put her gently on the beach. People started to gather around them, including Vanessa.

"Is she dead?!"

"I don't think so!"

"Save her!"

The lifeguard tilts Ashley's head, getting ready to perform CPR.

Vanessa gulped.

CPR? Mouth to mouth?

The lifeguard leaned forward to give a first breath Ashley.

"WAIT!" Vanessa shouted.

Everyone paused and stared at Vanessa.

"I'!" The lifeguard raised an eyebrow.

"You're a doctor?"

Vanessa ignored his question and pushed him away from Ashley.

"Let me perform the CPR to the victim." she said in a doctor tone.

She leaned forward towards the victim's lips but hesitated as she's inches away from Ashley's face.

"Hurry up, doctor! She'll die!" someone in the crowd shouted.

Vanessa closed her eyes and blow a breath into Ashley's mouth. No reaction. Still no reaction. Suddenly, a tongue slips into Vanessa's mouth. Vanessa was surprised and about to pulled away from her victim, but a pair of hands held her head still. They kissed for almost a minute before Vanessa finally looked up, blushing.

"She' now." she said to the people around her.

A man raised his eyebrows, confused by what he watched earlier. Suddenly, someone gives an applause.

"You're a great doctor!" the lifeguard said as he clapped his hands.

Soon the crowd were applauding 'the doctor' for saving the victim's life. Vanessa smiled, embarrassed as everyone praised how great she was. The victim still lies on the sand, smiling.

"Thank you, doctor. You saved my life."

Vanessa sighed.

"You were just faking it, right?"

Ashley shrugged, smiling naughtily. Vanessa held Ashley's hand, pulling her up from the ground.

"Maybe you're not so straight after all." Ashley teased as they walked towards their hotel rooms.

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