Chapter 44 - Proof

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Nicole Scherzinger was sitting with her legs crossed on one of the waiting bench at the airport. She looks restless as she glanced at her watch, waiting for someone.

Where is she?

She's waiting for Camila at the airport as the girl said that she'll come later. It's already 2 o'clock and Nicole can't help but worried if Camila suddenly changed her mind and then her phone beeped.

You got a new message

Nervously Nicole opened the message.

From: Camila

I need to go somewhere before leaving. Wait for me at the airport.

Nicole gulped.


She has a bad feeling about this.

Zooey looked around the cafe, but she can't find the person she wants to meet.

"Have you seen Marley? We promised to meet here, but she's..not here.." Zooey asked to Dinah who's sitting lazily behind the counter.

"Can you believe it? They left me here to watch over the cafe while they're all going to Lauren's house!" Dinah said, angry.


"Marley, my lazy wife, Lauren and..Heather's girlfriend.."

"Why are they going to Lauren's house?" asked Zooey, puzzled.

"They've found Camila.."

Camila stood still in front of the pink house she used to share with Lauren and stared at the door knob. Slowly she put her hand on the knob and took a deep breath. She wants to open the door but she hesitated. Before she leaves New York, she wants to visit the house for one last time. Since, she's sure Lauren was at work.

She let out a loud sigh and opened the door. But then she's greeted by the unexpected scene. She stared at the sight in front of her, shocked. The house was messy. Camila walked towards the living room and looked around. There were empty buckets of ice cream with other junk foods all over the floor and on the couch.

What happened here?

She wondered and then she feels worried for Lauren. 

How is she doing?

Is she eating well?

Is she sleeping well without me?

Camila makes her way upstairs and stopped in front of their room.

Napkin & Blankie

Forever and a Day

Tears filled her eyes as she saw the plate on the door. She pushed the door opened and stepped inside. Slowly tears rolled down her eyes as she smelled Lauren's scent that filled the room. It's a mixture of her sweet odor and her vanilla perfume.

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