Chapter 13 - Nervous

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  "Lauren, are you coming?" asked Vanessa.

"You guys go first." Lauren replied as she's still typing in front of her computer.

"You don't want to be late, or Camila will be very upset." Vanessa said.

Lauren nodded.

"I know, I just want to turn off my computer now. You two go first."

Ally and Vanessa looked at each other.

"We're going now. You better hurry." Vanessa said before leaving the office.

Lauren turned off the computer and quickly stuffed her files in her bag. She's in a hurry. It's Camila's first stage, where she will be singing a song that's dedicated to her and her only. Lauren smiled at the thought. She slings her bag over her shoulders and headed out of the office.

"Where are you going?!" a voice called.

Lauren turned around. Troy and Ashley are looking at her, serious.

"I'm heading to the cafe. I can't be late for my girlfriend's first show."

"There's no time for that! Where is your 7 pages special? Have you finished it?" Troy said, serious.

"I finished it yesterday, but why?"

"Great, everyone is waiting for you now." Ashley said.

"Waiting for me? Why? What is going on?"

Troy put his hands on his cousin's shoulder. "The board meeting."

Lauren shook her head. "No! It's tomorrow!"

"Listen, my mother lied to you so that you will miss the board meeting. Then the board members will think that you're incapable to take over the company in the future. She even asked me to take your place, and all the credits."

Lauren stared at Troy, shocked. "What?!"

"We don't want to take something that is yours. We never agree with our mother's plan." Ashley said.

"So go now, and save this company." Troy added.

"I'm nervous." Camila said.

She's about to make her first public performance at Normani's Cafe. The cafe is now filled with people, since they heard that there'll be a musical performance that day. Camila held tight to her phone, still waiting for Lauren.

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