"Thanks," I said, shyly. WTF is wrong with me? I wasn't shy.  

He took my hand and placed it over his bicep. He escorted me to the elevator and outside to his car. He opened the passenger door for me. I stepped in. 

"Thanks," I said, softly, blushing. God what was wrong with me? I was acting like I was head over heels! Get it together Sam. You can't be getting attached. I sighed, straightened my dress and nodded to myself. Alexander opened his door and got in before turning the car on and driving away. 

"So, where are we going?" I asked, as he headed towards Discovery Green. He laughed before he took my hand. I stiffened, but didn't pull away. 

"You'll see," he said, as he found a parking spot. He got out and came to open my door. He took my hand and helped me out of the car.

"I think you might be a bit over dressed though, love."

I blushed at his last word and looked at him, confused. He didn't say anything as we crossed the street to the water spouts of Discovery Green. I gasped as I took in the sight. 

The water was up and colored, the different colored lights, red, green, blue, yellow, and purple, shining on them as they formed arcs in the air. Up the steps was a table covered in a white table cloth and a candle on it, two domes with our food graced the top. A quartette was playing to the left, their seats far enough away to have the music soft and for our conversation to be private. The lights were off around us, except a couple of lights here and there. It was so beautiful and romantic. It was something out of a book (yeah yeah, i see the irony).

Alexsander walked me around the arcing water and up the steps. I didn't know I was tearing up until he wiped away a tear. I blushed and looked away, chiding myself for letting this all get to my head. He let go of my hand to pull out my chair, motioning for me to take a seat in an exagerrated manner. I smiled and sat down, glancing at the water and the quartette. He took his seat in front of me. 

"I hope you don't mind the big gesture," he said, softly. I looked up from the table. "I tend not do underdo things."

I laughed. 

"It's all beautiful and romantic," I said, in awe. "But you really shouldn't have done this for me." 

He frowned, his brow furrowing a bit. "Why?" he asked, defensively. I opened my mouth to answer. "Someone's hurt you. I can tell." I looked away from his intense gaze. "But that doesn't mean, I will." I scoff, crossing my arms. 

"That's what they all said," I snapped, hating that I was ruining our date. He sighed and his fist connected with the table. I jumped, looking at him. 

"Samantha," he said, gruffly. I swallowed. "It's guys like those who have ruined the chance of the good guys, like me, to be with an amazing girl like you." I felt tears prick my eyes. No, Sam, no. "I am not a douche, Sam. Treating me like one, like I am one of them, like I would dare hurt you, is not fair to me, because I'm not them and I want you. It isn't fair to you either, Sam. Pushing away anyone who could possibly care about you." I looked up when he sighed. I wiped a tear away. 

"Maybe I should go," I said, getting up. I started down the steps. I heard him get up and patter after me. 

"Samantha," he growled, his hand enclosing above my elbow. He turned me to face him before his lips crashed into mine. I slipped my eyes shut as he pulled me closer, his arm wrapping around my waist and cradling me to his body. He pulled back after a moment. I reluctantly opened my eyes. His thumb rubbed across my now smudged lipstick. 

"Don't walk away from me like that again," he said. "I want you Sam. I will not stop wanting you just because you're scared of getting hurt." I looked away, but his hand caught my chin and he forced me to look at him.

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