"Hold on!" I said while putting on one of his Thrasher shirts. "Okay!"

The door opened to have Josh appear before he looked at me confused. "You enjoying your time?" he asked me.

I nodded before twirling around and said "It's like a little dress for me, except it's a easy access for you."

He smiled before kissing me and I heard a chirp from my phone.

"Oi!" I said before pulling away and turning to see it.

It was a text from Sapphire, and it was photos.

I opened it to see it downloading for a second before I saw something remarkably terrifying.

It was Jade, and she was in the hospital at probably Las Vegas since she was performing there. There were tubes up her nose and bruises all over her arms, face, and even her neck as well. Some marks were even scratches too, and it made me feel like I wanted to cry.

A big paragraph popped from Sapphire's fast texting.

Jade is in the hospital rn... she got into some fight with a "fan" and he apparently attacked her violently with some weapon that he made. He got charged with all the stuff added onto him, and Jade is said to be recovered soon, but for right now, she's gonna have to miss the next show in Oregon. Mom wants me to tell you the impossible... you got to cover for Jade.

Judging from Sapphire's text, I sorta got caught off guard with all the next show and needing of me to play there.

I had to tell the truth.

look, i can't...

i'm still in Russia and it'll legit take forever for me to get over in Oregon to peform there...

I'm sorry for not helping out this time, and send my wishes to Jade to recover

My eyes felt a bit watery before Josh asked "You okay?"

I sniffed and sighed. "Jade's in the hospital..."

"What? What happened?"

"Attacked by a 'fan'. She usually handles it, but I guess not today..."

Josh sighed before hugging me from behind and saying "Hope she's okay."

I nodded before closing my eyes and imagining what Jade must've been going through without my help of the band. It seemed like it would make me feel like I didn't care about her band more than Josh and Tyler's. It was just the distance, and it really bothered me it was already more hard for Jade's band to suffer a night without a drummer.

After that, I left to go to the bathroom.

It sorta got me scared or confused at first when I saw Halsey there. It's better to have Halsey than her name, just to make it better.

"Hey!" she said all eagerly. "I think I've seen you before, right?"

My intention was that she had me confused for another person, but I could tell she remembered me from that night.

"It's making me feel like you're joking that we're okay," I said sorta weird. "I'm not really your friend."

She sighed before rolling her eyes. "I'm just here to tell you about Joshie."

Why'd she say Joshie and not his name? It made me confused on if she still had feelings.

She got closer to me before saying "He's gonna do something that'll make you feel horrible. It's gonna get you pretty soon too."

I backed off before stepping back and saying "You must've had a different relationship with him than what I have right now. Seems like he wasn't into you, I guess."

I walked away before getting tackled by her and choked against the wall with her saying how much it'll get to me and whatnot.

"Hey!" Jenna said coming with Tyler.

Halsey let go of me before taking off and I stared coughing and holding my throats to try and make it okay.

"What happened?" Jenna asked me.

I looked at her with tears starting to form before Jenna hugged me while I coughed and Tyler really looking concerned about me.

"What was that all about?" Tyler asked me.

Jenna let me go before I said "She was just trying to tell me something about Josh... I don't know why she told me that he's gonna leave me by doing something. It makes no sense though."

Tyler rubbed his face with his hands while Jenna shook her head. "She's just a crazy person, okay? Don't get scared of her."

I nodded. "And if she lays a finger on you, I don't care how much she begs though... I'll whoop her real good for you."

I smiled before shaking my head at Jenna's assuring help if Halsey does that again.

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