40 - Control (Or Lack Thereof)

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    Despite the dark and lull of her mind being against her will, Fay couldn’t help but dream. And dream she did.

    “Where have you run to?” Barricade screeched, his red optics narrowed at where she was held firmly in his palm. She rolled her eyes with a huff, crossing her arms. She refused to let these things know how much they unnerved her. How much she wanted scream and squirm whenever they showed up. Her only consolation was that it was a dream. Just a dream. A recurring one, unfortunately, but she could live with it. She had to.

    “I’m sorry,” she replied plainly. “The answer you’re seeking doesn’t exist. And the search engine you’re attempting to use doesn’t give a fuck.”

    Barricade growled, bringing his faceplates near her, his vents coming in hot bursts against her skin. She frowned, trying not to scowl, at least for the moment. “You will cooperate, you damn femme, or so help me Primus . . .”

    She laughed, but it held an otherworldly quality to it. It was harsh. Nearly cruel. Something that just wasn’t her. Barricade recognized it and nearly grinned. He would’ve until she spoke. “Oh really now, Barricade? We both know that Primus would be the last one to help you or any of the Decepticons!”

    He scowled at her, noticing the change that took place silently, but left such results. “Slag it, Far! Stop playing games and return to us!”

    She huffed, a smirk sliding across her lips as she stared at him. Utterly unintimidated. She could play games with him all day long. Any of them, really. “Oh quit being such a sparkling, you overgrown fool! I know what I’m doing.” Her voice dripped with a poisonously sweet quality. It made the Decepticon smile to think of the implications. They had her at long last. They’d wasted two decades on her, and now . . .

    “Where have you gone, Far?” He asked, prodding lightly, watching her reaction.

    She scoffed, scowling at him. “Like I know! Some psychos broke into my room! Do you really think I know where I’ve been whisked to? But hey, who knows? Maybe they’ll dissect me like a frog in a biology class and destroy my very essence. Wouldn’t that be something? Hm?” She raised a brow, refusing to smile, though she took plenty of pleasure in doing this, in causing his reaction.

    He growled, the electronic quality of his voice warping it horribly to something that sounded like it belonged back on Cybertron instead of Earth. He didn’t care, and neither did she. “I will end whatever foolish humans dared tread on our ground.”

    “And I’m sure you’ll do marvelously,” she told him tauntingly, shaking her head. He was so foolish. And incredibly irritating. Almost as much as StarScream. Who stood not too far away, glaring as they interacted, some dark thoughts muddling through his processor.

    ‘Some day,’ he insisted to himself. ‘Some day I will use her against Megatron. His greatest tool will be his downfall. I shall . . . convince her . . . to join me against him . . . The rest of the Decepticons could never deny me if they saw her join me. Lord Megatron would fall . . .’ He smirked, practically drooling at the thought, the lust for power inside him growing, surging at the thought. ‘And this world will be mine . . . Every world will be mine . . . The AllSpark, what remains of it, shall be obtained . . . And all resistance will fall . . . All opposition will bow . . .’ He held back a laugh, delighted at the thought of using Fay to his advantage. He’d let Megatron have her for now, but once he sensed his opportunity, he would be making a proposition to the small femme.

    And if she refused, he would likely end her. For the time being, she still argued with Barricade. “You are such a dweeb. And stupid to boot! Has Megatron really lowered his standards to this? Especially with having that pathetic Seeker as his second! What was he thinking? That moron is just waiting to gain the upper hand and no one’s going to do a thing to stop him from trying, even though we all know he’s going to get himself slaughtered in the process!”

Transformers ( Bayverse ) - I Bleed When I Fall Downحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن